Developer: GWL Realty Advisors
Architect: KPMB Architects
Address: 200 University Ave, Toronto
Category: Residential (Affordable Rental, Unspecified), Commercial (Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 619 ft / 188.53 mStoreys: 54 storeys
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Toronto 200 University | 188.53m | 54s | GWL | KPMB


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Apr 23, 2007
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by the Humber
I dont think this is a bad addition at all overall, but what I do think is bad is that bland awful addition at street level. Is that really necessary?
Had not even noticed that until you pointed it out. I get why they're doing it (to match the bend of University), but the extra sidewalk space there is nice.

Also, I'm skeptical about how this portion will look when even the renders show the glass on the first floor pavilion as green-tinted.
If all these proposals are realized, University Ave should make it to the Guinness Book of Records as 'street with most buildings built on top of existing buildings.' What's next, Canada Life tower? Or maybe the hospitals?
Probably Queen's Park itself, since no historical building is spared in Toronto. It would give Doug a great penthouse view of the city as well.
I am not a fan of this proposal. The building on top is certainly bland (which is not such a bad thing, in this context), but I wish it continued the rhythm of all the vertical elements of the original building (while keeping the addition light, so it distracts as little as possible from the original).

Yes, it could be worse. But I wish it was better.
