Senior Member
Master Plan preliminary report:
Yorkdale is going to be densified.Master Plan preliminary report:
Like everything in this city, an LRT or subway wont even be considered until Dufferin is lined up with condos so I wouldnt hold my breath. We wont see any transit improvements -asides from improved bus service- for at least 25 years.Yorkdale is going to be densified.
It means more foot traffic of course, as well as justification to have Dufferin LRT.
… or on the flip side malls being openly hostile to public transit connectivity.
The whole thing is totally weird and just speaks to the inability to build proper multi-storey malls with retail on top. Is abutting residential towers right up against the 401 the best idea out there?
Yorkdale isn’t the worst offender in terms of hostility to transit connectivity but it has a long history of seemingly being embarassed by and marginalizing its subway connection, as well as being openly hostile to hosting commuter parking.
I recognize that there are issues with the subway site being off to the corner but in theory if this was my asset I would want the subway connection to be the centrepiece of the site. I would fight FOR being a commuter parking hub. I would want commuters including commuters living in residential units on site to filter directly through my commercial corridors on the way to the station.