Toronto Yorkdale Intensification | 150.5m | 50s | Oxford Properties | Hariri Pontarini

Yorkdale isn’t the worst offender in terms of hostility to transit connectivity but it has a long history of seemingly being embarassed by and marginalizing its subway connection, as well as being openly hostile to hosting commuter parking.

I recognize that there are issues with the subway site being off to the corner but in theory if this was my asset I would want the subway connection to be the centrepiece of the site. I would fight FOR being a commuter parking hub. I would want commuters including commuters living in residential units on site to filter directly through my commercial corridors on the way to the station.

The new below grade east parking garage has specific levels dedicated to commuter parking (it replaces the previous above grade parking structure) - as with most commuter lots (within the City) you have to pay to park. You are one elevator ride up to the mall level that takes you right to the subway. As for their surface lots and other below grade lots, yes, they will be very hostile towards commuter parking and monitor them before the mall is fully open.
How about using the subway instead? I hear they just extended it into Vaughan, going past York University.

That's a good idea if it's an efficient trip for you. For me, it's twice as long by subway as by car. My neighbourhood is well connected with the downtown core, but not well connected with North York in terms of transit.
All surface parking will be moved underground.
Sorry I missed that in the plans. I'm still not sure where the 3800+ deleted surface parking spaces are going to be be includd with the residential/office parking?



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Without transit, this area is going to be an absolute zoo with all of these developments. Yorkdale station is too far from most of these developments to be an effective transport option, while the current Dufferin Bus is overloaded beyond capacity and moves at a snail's pace along Dufferin.

There's needs to be a comprehensive transit plan for the entire stretch of this street.
Not sure why the TTC and city still haven't gotten serious about upgrading the awful, over-crowded Dufferin bus with higher order transit. Seems they're too busy dicking around with suburban projects.
Not sure why the TTC and city still haven't gotten serious about upgrading the awful, over-crowded Dufferin bus with higher order transit. Seems they're too busy dicking around with suburban projects.

They thought the original Spadina extension of Line 1 would have reduced the demand on the 29 DUFFERIN, but of course it didn't.

Same happened when the original Bloor-Danforth subway opened (now Line 2), and they reduced the headways on the KING and DUNDAS streetcars. That didn't last long, they had to go back and increase the headway, especially on the KING. Also why the 514 CHERRY had to supplement the 504 KING today.

We'll see if the headways of the buses around the latest Line 1 extension has to be increased by the end of 2018 or not.

With more and more developments being planned and constructed up and down Dufferin Street, they'll need better transit on Dufferin sooner than later.
Not sure why the TTC and city still haven't gotten serious about upgrading the awful, over-crowded Dufferin bus with higher order transit. Seems they're too busy dicking around with suburban projects.
Better suited for the Transit Fantasy thread, but I would bring the western leg of the Relief Line up Dufferin to Eglinton. In the long term, you could even take it up Dufferin to the other side of Yorkdale Mall, serving the location witha second station on the western side, then connect it further north with the Sheppard subway at Sheppard West.

You would get a subway loop. :)
essentially the entire site is an 800m walk from Yorkdale, and you can walk comfortably through the mall for most of it too.
I'm not necessarily sure that I buy that people from Dufferin will walk all the way through the mall just to access Yorkdale station, but i'm sure Oxford dreams about this everyday. I dont want to get off topic here too much, but we already have cases in this city where people forgo the subway altogether in favor of the closest surface route to access their destination (which is part of the reason why the Dufferin route is as busy as it is today).

I wont even get started on the 401 and Allen Road which are already jammed messes around where these proposed development will be.
