Developer: Reserve Properties, Westdale Properties, Rockport Group
Architect: Arcadis
Address: 277 Wellington Street West, Toronto
Category: Residential, Commercial (Office, Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 682 ft / 208.00 mStoreys: 60 storeys
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Toronto 277 Wellington West | 208m | 60s | Reserve Properties | IBI Group

Take it down? Correct me if I'm wrong but I think I remember this one being built in the late 80s. That's not much use of a building.:rolleyes:. Now if they could just put a shovel in the ground of that annoying parking lot across the street...
Random speculation, but probably something in the 40+ storey range. Possibly office space in the lower section, while they could go either rental or condo up top.
In terms of what's workable here, some talking points.

Floor plate of existing, approx. 12000ft2

Separation distance to east 3.5M

Separation distance to south: ~7m (aerial photos on an angle)

If, you assumed something much taller would be built here........(for argument's sake); and assumed the applicant would accomodate 1/2 of the standard separation distance (not necessarily the case)

The floor plate if you were to taper to 12.5M in from the east and south lot lines would be in the range of 4,500ft2
Very excited for this area, with the nearby developments, it's going to be completely unrecognizable in 5 years:

- Nobu condos completion just a block north
- 55 Mercer (Wayne Gretzky restaurant) just a block north
- 400 Front St West redevelopment with the parking lot West of this side finally being developed
- The Well!
Does anyone know the height of this 66 storey tower going to become taller than 200 metres ?
