Developer: Canadian Helen Keller Centre
Architect: Chamberlain Architect Services Limited
Address: 150 Eighth Street, Toronto
Category: Residential (Affordable Rental)
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: 77 ft / 23.62 mStoreys: 6 storeys
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Toronto 150 Eighth | 23.62m | 6s | Canadian Helen Keller Centre | Chamberlain

Huh? Something this nice? In this area of Etobicoke (ie: not right along the lake, not close to any remotely good transit, no real strong neighborhood amenities)?

I'll believe it when I see it.
Huh? Something this nice? In this area of Etobicoke (ie: not right along the lake, not close to any remotely good transit, no real strong neighborhood amenities)?

I'll believe it when I see it.

The Lake Shore Boulevard strip in New Toronto could be better, but it has the bones. The 110 Islington South is a relatively quick ride to Islington Station, and it's not a terrible area for traffic if you have to drive. It's a good place to live if you're into distance cycling. Transit isn't great, but it's not that bad. I would not recommend the 501 to get downtown, however.
The real key to unlocking a lot of the hidden potential in New Toronto lies in the massive piece of vacant industrial land south of Willowdale which is controlled by Create TO (formerly Build Toronto). The absolute last thing needed there is residential development, so the city better have its cards in order there.

As for transit, it takes at least hour to get to the downtown core regardless of whichever mode one uses. The 501 is pretty much a unreliable and useless service to anyone who values their time. Driving to the core takes about 25-30 min.

The one thing this location has going for it is cycling, but that's really about it. The above reasons are just some reasons why im surprised the design is looking this good so far.
That area feels like the boom completely missed it. Yes, there has been some development there but Lake Shore is a dump over there and has been untouched for the most part. Transit there is bad but so is darn near everywhere in the city.

This looks good and very strange for this area. The new residential there is pretty meh.
The real key to unlocking a lot of the hidden potential in New Toronto lies in the massive piece of vacant industrial land south of Willowdale which is controlled by Create TO (formerly Build Toronto). The absolute last thing needed there is residential development, so the city better have its cards in order there.

Willowdale? What land south of Willowdale? @Amare
The built form of New Toronto could be improved, but I do find that the area has bones for potential. Although low-rise and mostly architecturally non-descript, the buildings still meet the street generally on a decent level. If intensification can be achieved, infilling the scattered strip mall/plazas and lesser utilized sites then that could help this area gradually improve.

Retail occupancy rates are rather consistent for this stretch. A couple hidden gems in there as well. Like the Cellar Door restaurant has gotten some solid reviews. Further west I used to frequent Sloppy Joe's and 850 Degrees Pizzeria quite a bit several years ago. Tatsu's Bread is great too. Although technically that may be considered more towards Long Branch area where the urbanity tapers off more once you go west of Kipling.
The built form of New Toronto could be improved, but I do find that the area has bones for potential. Although low-rise and mostly architecturally non-descript, the buildings still meet the street generally on a decent level. If intensification can be achieved, infilling the scattered strip mall/plazas and lesser utilized sites then that could help this area gradually improve.

Retail occupancy rates are rather consistent for this stretch. A couple hidden gems in there as well. Like the Cellar Door restaurant has gotten some solid reviews. Further west I used to frequent Sloppy Joe's and 850 Degrees Pizzeria quite a bit several years ago. Tatsu's Bread is great too. Although technically that may be considered more towards Long Branch area where the urbanity tapers off more once you go west of Kipling.

For sure, great bones, which is why I don't understand why it has been neglected for so long. Reminds me of a low end Queen st in Leslieville between Broadview and Logan.... So the potential is there. Wouldn't hold my breath though.
The real key to unlocking a lot of the hidden potential in New Toronto lies in the massive piece of vacant industrial land south of Willowdale which is controlled by Create TO (formerly Build Toronto). The absolute last thing needed there is residential development, so the city better have its cards in order there.

As for transit, it takes at least hour to get to the downtown core regardless of whichever mode one uses. The 501 is pretty much a unreliable and useless service to anyone who values their time. Driving to the core takes about 25-30 min.

The one thing this location has going for it is cycling, but that's really about it. The above reasons are just some reasons why im surprised the design is looking this good so far.

The problem is some of the land is toxic due to said industry. Also that large vacant lot at least at 8th street and Birmingham was going to be a data centre... but that seemed to have died...

There is some other development coming that we know of, like at first street and lake shore. Also the old film plant (i think it was a film plant) is being turned into some sort of residential. But we know campbells is moving out which is the areas largest employer so who knows what is going to happen there. but the area is pinched in between 3 areas seeing large redevelopment (Humber bay shores, long branch and queensway) so it's probably going to happen eventually.
