Developer: PPIN Enterprises Inc
Architect: Gensler
Address: 756 Warden Ave, Toronto
Category: Commercial (Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 44 ft / 13.36 mStoreys: 2 storeys
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Toronto Dolphin Gaming Bingo Hall | 13.36m | 2s | PPIN Enterprises | Gensler

The application proposed amendments to the Former City of Scarborough Employment District By-law No. 24982 (Golden Mile) to permit four new buildings on the subject property as follows: Proposed Building A would be a 2-storey mixed office/retail use building. Building B would be a 2-storey industrial building. Building C would be a 1-storey retail building. Building D would be a 1-storey retail/restaurant building. A previous standalone site plan application 18 130567 ESC 35 SA is now associated with this rezoning application and the plans have been revised accordingly. The rezoning and site plan applications are being reviewed concurrently.

…so the rink is totally gone, and now we have a marijuana production facility in the mix instead? The city is really short of rinks, but maybe the developers see recent changes to the law as signs that people will be chilling out in different ways.

I live down the street from there near Warden and Fairfax but the sentiment is the same. The locals really do not want a marijuana facility in the area.

For decades the area was industrial and there are still alot of older factories in the area along Ashtonbee Road just north of Eglinton but the area where this facility will be located is in an increasingly residential neighbourhood. Just south of there Mattamy Homes has a large subdivision going in and just southwest of it there is a large residential area.

My point is that a hockey rink and related sports facilities would be welcomed but a marijuana factory in area with families is not. I doubt this will be permitted as it seems like a bait and switch. It is also a major security concern given the proximity to alot of homes.

I honestly they will not permit this to be built there. It might have been suitable for the area 30 years ago but not now that gentrification has taken hold.

For reference this is where the Canada Wire plant was at one point in the 1980s and 1990s.
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What's wrong with a marijuana factory? How is it different from a Canada Wire plant? Is everyone in the area going to started smoking up because it shows up. Would a brewery cause the same complaint?
What's wrong with a marijuana factory? How is it different from a Canada Wire plant? Is everyone in the area going to started smoking up because it shows up. Would a brewery cause the same complaint?

The clientele are different and the risks greater. Canada Wire produced cables, wires, etc. Nobody would run the risk of trying to rob it given the low value of the merchandise.

A marijuana factory is a higher value target. The risk is greater.
As are the security requirements.

That's my point. The security requirements far outweigh the benefits to the community.

A microbrewery is not bad (think steamwhistle or bellwoods) because they are a part of the community. A Marijuana factory is a virtual fortress in terms of security requirements.

In terms of overall community relations it is not a good fit for a residential area. It would be better in Etobicoke where things are and likely will be industrial for a very long time.

Scarborough has been residential for decades while Etobicoke has been industrial.

Honestly, it is no different than CAMH being near liberty village for example. With all the security issues families really don't want to live there.
Yet that very area is extremely industrial. I worked on Murdoch Mysteries for a couple of seasons and they're on Hymus, with adjacent sets storage on Comstock. It's been light industrial for decades around there. Yes, things are changing up but let's not pretend it's not an industrial zone.
That's my point. The security requirements far outweigh the benefits to the community.

A microbrewery is not bad (think steamwhistle or bellwoods) because they are a part of the community. A Marijuana factory is a virtual fortress in terms of security requirements.

In terms of overall community relations it is not a good fit for a residential area. It would be better in Etobicoke where things are and likely will be industrial for a very long time.

Scarborough has been residential for decades while Etobicoke has been industrial.

Honestly, it is no different than CAMH being near liberty village for example. With all the security issues families really don't want to live there.

A marijuana production facility is not a high-security jail. There are marijuana production facilities inside industrial buildings all over the City from Etobicoke to Scarborough. And yes, Scarborough has a large industrial base, much like Etobicoke has a large residential base. You have probably passed by marijuana production facilities and didn't even realize they were there. Security requirements can be non-obtrusive to the public, essentially cameras and an enclosed loading area. Additional security requirements are inside, not to mention higher ventilation and other standards to reduce nuisances..The buildings' exterior are generally non-descript and look like any other industrial building with security cameras and enclosed loading areas. There are other industrial operations that are 20x a greater risk to the general public and closer to existing residential areas than this will be.

What does a microbrewery have to do with a marijuana production facility? It's a place to produce, not consume.
Yet that very area is extremely industrial. I worked on Murdoch Mysteries for a couple of seasons and they're on Hymus, with adjacent sets storage on Comstock. It's been light industrial for decades around there. Yes, things are changing up but let's not pretend it's not an industrial zone.

I have lived in the area since 1993 when Comstock was heavily industrial. At that point the VW Factory, GM Van Plant, Canada Wire amongst others existed there. Now all those factories have gone away in favour of big box stores while the area south of all that is becoming residential. I have nothing against marijuana production but it would be better suited near Markham and McNicoll where there are tons of industrial.
