This Report responds to an application where staff are currently not in a position to provide a Final Report to Council, but which could be appealed to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal due to a lack of decision during the break in Council's meeting schedule (July to December 2018).
City Planning staff have identified concerns with respect to: the proposed street and block plan; built form, height, density, building massing, transition in scale within the existing and planned context overall; site circulation around and through the site; parking and loading; range of housing options, including tenures and unit sizes; enhancement of employment opportunities; determination of the adequacy, location and configuration of the proposed public park; adequacy of site servicing, including sanitary sewer analysis, stormwater management, hydrogeological matters and solid waste collection; adequacy of community services and facilities to serve the proposed development; and impacts on the environment. These issues and all additional matters that arise through the development review process will need to be addressed prior to the submission of the Final Report to City Council. While staff will continue to work with the applicant to address the issues noted here, since it is an election year, it is recommended that City Council direct the City Solicitor and appropriate City Staff to attend and oppose the application in its current form should the application be appealed to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) on the basis of City Council's failure to make a decision on the application within the statutory timeframe of the Planning Act.
Should the application not be appealed to the LPAT, a Final Report will be submitted for City Council's consideration following the resolution of outstanding issues related to this application, and the holding of a statutory Public Meeting under the Planning Act. The target timeline for the Final Report is anticipated to be in the first quarter of 2019.