Developer: Canderel Residential
Address: 625 Sheppard Ave E, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: 123 ft / 37.50 mStoreys: 10 storeys
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Toronto Bayview at the Village | 37.5m | 10s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza


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Jun 22, 2008
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After visiting the sales office for Vida condos next door yesterday I came across a 'development coming soon' sign on the easterly adjacent property by Haven Developments (@ SW corner of Sheppard & Greenbriar), a quick look on the company website reveals the following renderings:




Looks like this building will fit it nicely in the area, the building will be located at the bottom left of the below image next to Vida:
625 Sheppard is at SouthWest corner of Sheppard & Greenbriar,... but map makes it look like it's on north side of Sheppard where all the even numbers are! By making it look like it's on the north side is bad, very bad,.... because long time residents will remember at one of those older small apartment buildings at northwest corner there was a very terrible murder almost 15 years ago (one month shy) at that site,... I won't go into the details,.. but it was just terrible even as murder go,....
The architecture, which is, it would seem, by Teeple, looks "too good" for this stretch of Sheppard… but raising the bar is a good thing.

The up-to-date image of the building shows that the architecture has changed a bit.


The massing has changed quite a bit.



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Despite the watered down design this is exactly the kind of development we need throughout Toronto. Hope the OMB rubber stamps this and digging begins post haste.
I can't believe the City stalled even on a modest project like this with Avenue-style midrise built form ... disappointed that the City let this go to the OMB

The neighbours and councillor in this area are not amenable to any sort of development that is not a single family dwelling.
Some revisions have been made to this proposal:

An additional property was acquired (12 Greenbriar Rd), and a public park is proposed behind the midrise building, surrounded by two townhouse buildings.

Along with some massing changes, the midrise building height was reduced from 11 to 9 storeys with a wrapped mechanical penthouse.




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Contrary to the image, I'd be hesitant to call that "additional property was acquired (12 Greenbriar Rd)" the "New Park" (as labeled in the image),.... it's not likely to end up being permanent on-site "parkland" dedication (you're not likely to ever see playground or other "park" furnishing there),... but likely City "requested" developer convey (donate) that property for a possible future service road in the area (all hell will break loose if they put playground there and then demolish playground for road!),.... a similar new service road between Rean Dr & Kenaston Gardens under EA now (complete?) and discussion of future connections.
