This is a very rarefied crowd. No one reading these threads should forget that.
Each person here is imbued with a certain capacity to think critically as a result of their life experience, education and maybe just the luck to have been born in Canada. I include that last thought because that might mean one has more than a passing familiarity with English, Canadian schools and free media.
We live in a world where there are many people who lack that ability (or the confidence to express their thoughts) or whose critical thinking is not as well developed.
The election of Rob Ford was a direct result of very high-handed language and thinking from the left as
@Neutrino points out. Rob Ford spoke in a manner that connected with people. I am not a Ford Nation person. But I absolutely loathed how I felt talked down to by David Miller. He was a smarty pants. He knew it. And he and his confidantes made sure we all knew how smart and capable he was. In fact, he knew better than us if we'd only trust him. Dalton McGuinty reeked of the same to me. Hearing him speak made me cringe.
For all the criticism of Justin Trudeau - who has had all the blessings in life - he is far less of an aristocrat than his father. (Or he is a more modern man as you would expect.) Similarly, Caroline Mulroney is a more modern woman than her father.
The fastest way to a RODOFO repeat is to put forward arrogant candidates. Electors will look past faults, even grave ones, like crack smoking, not releasing your tax returns, money laundering or collaborating with Russians. Can Trump happen here? Absolutely. Should Mrs. Wynne be concerned about the perception that money grows on trees for Liberals? Absolutely.
I would be forming a 'grand coalition' in Toronto and avoiding and left/right nonsense with a consensus candidate like John Tory the same way French politicians circled the wagons when Marine Le Pen looked close to victory. Lighting does strike. And it also strikes twice.
The election of Doug Ford in any capacity as a public official in Canada would be disastrous for Toronto, Ontario and Canada. That is what we should be focused on.