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2018 Ontario Provincial Election Discussion

Agreed, I hope they're as wrong as when polls were saying the Wildrose party in Alberta led by Danielle Smith at the time would beat the provincial Conservative. Not only did they lose, they got trounced. Or let's hope they are as wrong as the time they said Naheed Nenshi would struggle badly to get re-elected as Mayor of Calgary. We all know what happened there.

I could definitely stomach a PC government led by anyone not named Doug Ford. But to have Ford as premier is a shameful embarrassment.

That what I feel. A Democracy can be a bit of a see-saw and I can live with a PC government, but to select of all people a Ford is beyond sickening. He represents the worst in people. Just a slimy opportunist. I hate to blame voters, but there is something seriously wrong in the conservative mindset that Doug is what they view a leader is.

Final numbers

Ekos (Jun 6) Lib-19 PC-39 NDP-35 Grn-5 Oth-2
Abucus (Jun 2) Lib-23 PC-33 NDP-37 Grn-5 Oth-2
Leger (Jun 4) Lib-18 PC-39 NDP-38 Grn-3 Oth-2
Angus (May29) Lib-17 PC-37 NDP-39 Grn-5 Oth-2

Predtiction Predict Lib-20% PC-37% NDP-37% Grn-4% Othr-2%


CBCPT Lib-01 PC-78 NDP-45 Grn-0
Lispop Lib-04 PC-69 NDP-50 Grn-1
2Close Lib-03 PC-74 NDP-46 Grn-1
ElecPr Lib-08 PC-66 NDP-49 Grn-1
QC125 Lib-06 PC-70 NDP-47 Grn-1

Predict Lib-03, PC-73, NDP-47, Grn-1
If Premier Doug lost his riding he could just ignore convention and not bother taking a seat. He doesn't even know what the legislature does and it keeps him away from question period. There's no law saying he needs to win one. Who's going to stop him?
Umm, the elected members of provincial parliament from the progressive conservative caucus?
I always make a prediction every election and this one will be no different, albeit a painful one. Here's how I foresee tonight playing out...
PC-65, NDP-55, Lib-3, Green-1. So yes, a Doug Ford led PC-majority.

•If we’ve learned anything, these populists are always more popular than polling suggests, especially in these parts. Basically, people don’t want to admit they are choosing a lying, blowhard. But have no problem putting an “x” next to the piece of sh*t in private.
•The NDP will have done very well here, but not well enough. This will play out much like the federal election of 2011. In fact, the NDP may even win the popular vote giving us shades of Trump vs. Clinton. But their vote is too concentrated in urban Ontario and becomes very difficult to flip ridings elsewhere.
•The scare tactics and talk of Bob Rae ad nauseam worked. The NDP's momentum stopped around the time of the last debate and the PCs and Liberals effectively killed their chances of forming a government.
•The Liberals are still far too popular. Even though any scenario will only give them a handful of seats, one in five Ontarians will still walk into a voting booth today and vote Liberal, which leads to a whole host of ridings in the 905 and beyond flipping PC.
•People want change, but with Ontario’s economy humming along, they just don’t fear Ford enough. Most elevator talk is “let’s see what he does,” or “let him blow a few things up, it won’t be that bad.”
•About a quarter of the province’s seats are in the GTA's 905 and they mostly want Doug Ford, including on landslide levels in York Region (what's up my Italian brethren?) Unless the Liberal vote completely collapses here, we have Premier Doug.
•The under 35 vote is now larger than the Baby Boomer vote. They have ALL THE POWER to change this election, but I don't get the sense they are that interested. A few I talked to this morning said they were "too busy," or that "they all suck anyway" and won't be voting.

In conclusion, I’ve never seen someone presented to the voters so ill-fitted to lead Ontario, but here we are.
Well, I did my duty this morning. I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised, but as with the rest of you, I'm steeling myself for the worst.

Frankly, I find it unbelievable that it's come to this. I honestly thought the more respectable elements within the PCs wouldn't allow someone like Ford within 10 miles of party leadership. That the Bay Street country club crowd could be out-maneuvered by such a hubristic yokel would be almost funny, were it not for the damage Ford and his wrecking crew are going to do over the next 4 years.

Of course, there's plenty of blame to go around. The Liberals obviously have a lot to answer for; not just their own incompetence and mismanagement during Wynne's reign, but also in giving us Ford as the next Premiere. I'm hoping the Tories are going to be vindictive enough to aggressively investigate the various scandals from the past few years and actually seek prison sentences for any and all parties found guilty. Maybe a few years in jail will finally persuade Wynne that doing her best to ensure the NDP lost this election was something of a miscalculation.
Well, I did my duty this morning. I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised, but as with the rest of you, I'm steeling myself for the worst.

Frankly, I find it unbelievable that it's come to this. I honestly thought the more respectable elements within the PCs wouldn't allow someone like Ford within 10 miles of party leadership. That the Bay Street country club crowd could be out-maneuvered by such a hubristic yokel would be almost funny, were it not for the damage Ford and his wrecking crew are going to do over the next 4 years.

Of course, there's plenty of blame to go around. The Liberals obviously have a lot to answer for; not just their own incompetence and mismanagement during Wynne's reign, but also in giving us Ford as the next Premiere. I'm hoping the Tories are going to be vindictive enough to aggressively investigate the various scandals from the past few years and actually seek prison sentences for any and all parties found guilty. Maybe a few years in jail will finally persuade Wynne that doing her best to ensure the NDP lost this election was something of a miscalculation.

Well, when I said that a pencil could get elected over the Wynne Liberals, I wasn't joking. That's how alienated former Liberal supporters under this current government have become. It'll be interesting to see how the next administration fairs. I did my civic duty last week and couldn't be prouder. I may be in the minority on Urbantoronto but I am looking forward to what the next term can actually accomplish for transit, hydro rates, tax incentives, etc.
I may be in the minority on Urbantoronto but I am looking forward to what the next term can actually accomplish for transit, hydro rates, tax incentives, etc.

Why wait? Let me save you some time: fiscal irresponsibility like the other two. In the words of one Douglas Ford, "trust me".

Want to know a secret? I'm not paying off my debts by increasing my spending and cutting my income.

Ah, what do I know, I'm no mathematician and economist like yon Ford.

What? They couldn't put together a costed platform you say?
What could go wrong?
She was very good at what she set out to do, which was poor stewardship, public provocations, and political corruption.

Which is what Ford set out to do.

Yeah, people really wanted change......which I'd believe if said people knew the meaning of the term.
My prediction

72 PC
47 NDP

Liberals hold onto Don Valley West, St. Pauls and three Ottawa area ridings.

My gut is that the Greens just miss out winning Guelph with a split left vote, allowing the PCs to squeak through. I think this could also happen in other college towns like Kingston and Peterborough.

I expect a number of very close races between the NDP and PCs in Brampton and some of the rust belt ridings in SW Ontario, including those currently held by the PCs.
Just got back from voting and I feel much better. Caldwell, I got you.

I'm super ready for the Common (Non)Sense Revolution!

Gin at the ready; camping gear packed and on standby; smokes, good; beach bum attitude, present; dehydrated food for when the farmland gets paved over, packed.

PS: You guys and your predictions are making me want to gamble but I can't find a bookie to take the bet.

PPS: Seriously, get prepped for some amazing absurdist comedy.
I voted this morning and I was there for almost 20 minutes. Not sure what the problem was but there were about 30 people there at any given time. I literally know one person who has said they'd vote for Ford. My cousin, who is quite well off, is the only one that's admitted it. Everyone else I know is voting NDP.
I voted this morning and I was there for almost 20 minutes. Not sure what the problem was but there were about 30 people there at any given time. I literally know one person who has said they'd vote for Ford. My cousin, who is quite well off, is the only one that's admitted it. Everyone else I know is voting NDP.

Which riding?
