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2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

Trying to point out the good points in Adolf Hitler isn't a massive fail?

Where do you get that? Your a newbie here, and you come here and have the gall to call me names, create strawmen, put words in my mouth, and then tell me I see nothing but the worst in people. Is seeing nothing but the worst in Adolf Hitler a bad thing? Why do you seek to look for the good in Adolf Hitler?

I suppose if one has the capacity to find good in Adolf Hitler, one can find good in John Tory too! :)

Seriously though, I invariably always see the glass half-full, am an eternal optimistic, and see good in people where I probably shouldn't. But when we hit the point of no return, I do then resent that I've been hoodwinked.

John Tory has a history of bigotry. A history of racism. A history of creating divides where it's unnecessary. And now we find out (or perhaps remember) that he supports creationism. And yet your are blinded in your devotion to John Tory (and Adolf Hitler it would seem) to see the real issues, and instead focus on ... I don't even know what. John Tory's only big selling point was that he isn't Rob Ford, and won't embarrass us as much. Well he won't. But shouldn't seek more than this in a leader?

The biggest (non-Ford) issue in this election seems to be Transit. Tory has offered us little there - a massive fail, promising us what Metrolinx has already promised, but perhaps delivering slightly faster. But failing to deliver a DRL. And doing nothing to roll back the Karen Stintz cuts, let alone improve current service.

It's not like I'm taking someone with a good platform, and then trashing them for their racism, bigotry and extremist Christian views. At best we've got a mediocre and passable leader. Though now we find out his former boss at Rogers didn't even think he could be a great leader ... but might be an inspiring figurehead. This from someone who knew him well!

Just yesterday you said you never called John Tory a racist. Now you're say he has a history of racism. Which is it? Is he a racist or not? You also said that perhaps he isn't a bigot, but ignorant. Now you're resorting back to your earlier bigot claim. Stay consistent. You're all over the place. Who said I'm devoted to John Tory and Adolf Hitler? Where did I say I like either of them? I haven't even given my opinion on John Tory. You assume way too much without actually listening to what is being said. Stop accusing people of things without any proof. Do you not understand the difference between the usage of 'one' vs 'me', 'you'. Sometimes I think you're just a massive troll, or you might just have a learning disability. It's as if you're purposely trying to get under the skin of others by completely misinterpreting what others say, or believe. It would be interesting to watch you have a formal debate. You're so easy to pick apart.

"extremist Christian views." Huh, so believing in creationism makes one extreme? Anyone that has a view that is the opposite of yours appears to be an extremist. The irony in your choice of words and your tone. Everything you write is in the most extreme manner. You're the most extreme person on this board. Calling people bigots like you have a stuttering problem is the epitome of extreme. Your favourite band must be Extreme. Are you by chance, Nuno Bettencourt?
I think we need a law that says: if you have to bring up Hilter, then you are probably losing the argument :)

So you completely discount the point I was making because of the person I chose as an example? Look at the meat of what I was saying instead of focusing on what he did. If you don't like the Hitler example, then substitute him for someone else. The point is that bad people can be intelligent, thoughtful, intriguing. This isn't a hard concept to grasp. And yes, even Hitler had a certain captivating quality about him that made him such an appealing politician to many. He managed to fill many of the German people with optimism, although he was a horrible man. It's not extreme to realize this. It would be extreme to support his genocide, however.
Olivia Chow is supporting a well documented Marxist, terrorist sympathizer and Sharia advocate in her endorsement of Ausma Malik for school board trustee.
I think her support of Malik brings up a lot of questions about her position on many issues important to people who support Chow.
Women's issues, Gay rights, support for terrorist organizations (identified by Canada) and the need to accommodate demands of the many diverse communities within the Toronto school board, among them.

Can we get a better source than World Net Daily North?
Olivia Chow is supporting a well documented Marxist, terrorist sympathizer and Sharia advocate in her endorsement of Ausma Malik for school board trustee.
I think her support of Malik brings up a lot of questions about her position on many issues important to people who support Chow.
Women's issues, Gay rights, support for terrorist organizations (identified by Canada) and the need to accommodate demands of the many diverse communities within the Toronto school board, among them.

Exactly. Funny how the mainstream media never touches on things like this when they pertain to left wing politicians. Same goes for Justin Trudeau's support of muslim extremists (who would brutally murder all the gay people on this forum). Yet many of you will be voting for Chow and Trudeau because they support Pride. How can they support gay rights while simultaneously support barbarians? And why do so many of you overlook this?
Trying to point out the good points in Adolf Hitler isn't a massive fail?

Where do you get that? Your a newbie here, and you come here and have the gall to call me names, create strawmen, put words in my mouth, and then tell me I see nothing but the worst in people. Is seeing nothing but the worst in Adolf Hitler a bad thing? Why do you seek to look for the good in Adolf Hitler?

I suppose if one has the capacity to find good in Adolf Hitler, one can find good in John Tory too! :)

Seriously though, I invariably always see the glass half-full, am an eternal optimistic, and see good in people where I probably shouldn't. But when we hit the point of no return, I do then resent that I've been hoodwinked.

John Tory has a history of bigotry. A history of racism. A history of creating divides where it's unnecessary. And now we find out (or perhaps remember) that he supports creationism. And yet your are blinded in your devotion to John Tory (and Adolf Hitler it would seem) to see the real issues, and instead focus on ... I don't even know what. John Tory's only big selling point was that he isn't Rob Ford, and won't embarrass us as much. Well he won't. But shouldn't seek more than this in a leader?

The biggest (non-Ford) issue in this election seems to be Transit. Tory has offered us little there - a massive fail, promising us what Metrolinx has already promised, but perhaps delivering slightly faster. But failing to deliver a DRL. And doing nothing to roll back the Karen Stintz cuts, let alone improve current service.

It's not like I'm taking someone with a good platform, and then trashing them for their racism, bigotry and extremist Christian views. At best we've got a mediocre and passable leader. Though now we find out his former boss at Rogers didn't even think he could be a great leader ... but might be an inspiring figurehead. This from someone who knew him well!
Frankly, he's new, and he put up a good one against you nfitz. You say all this stuff about Tory know full well he is the only chance we have to get rid of Ford. None of this has anything to do with the elect

No, that isn't a massive fail. You are unable to see anything but the worst in people. I'm not saying Hitler was someone that deserved respect (he was a repulsive human being); I am saying that his love for architecture is something that anyone here could agree with. Don't you get that? Can't you comprehend anything? But to you, I guess that would mean that anyone that saw eye to eye with him on that subject must be a jew hater? Anyway, this conversation is pointless since you can't interpret anything in a logical way. Back to the main topic.
Welcome to Urban Toronto :) Who are you voting for?
Olivia Chow is supporting a well documented Marxist, terrorist sympathizer and Sharia advocate in her endorsement of Ausma Malik for school board trustee.
I think her support of Malik brings up a lot of questions about her position on many issues important to people who support Chow.
Women's issues, Gay rights, support for terrorist organizations (identified by Canada) and the need to accommodate demands of the many diverse communities within the Toronto school board, among them.
Canada Free Press is a known white supremacy site. Please be careful when backing up your stuff.
Can we get a better source than World Net Daily North?

Maybe this is a source you trust?

She was an organizer of a rally that collected money in support of the Toronto 18. A terrorist group that had planned to bomb the Toronto stock exchange and had already attempted to purchase 3000 kilos of fertilizer for creation of a Oklahoma style bomb. They were convicted as terrorists. Her support of them and Hezbollah at other rallies brings into question loyalty to Canadian values.
Frankly, he's new, and he put up a good one against you nfitz. You say all this stuff about Tory know full well he is the only chance we have to get rid of Ford. None of this has anything to do with the elect

Welcome to Urban Toronto :) Who are you voting for?

I was planning on voting for Soknacki. Ari Goldkind would be my second choice, however, he has no chance at winning. It will come down to Ford, Chow, or Tory. Neither of which I like. Tory I dislike the least of the bunch, so I will probably vote for him, reluctantly.
From the NOW article:

"We don’t see a contradiction between our Canadian identity and our Muslim identity. We are both," says Malik. "But it is jarring when that identity is called into question. You know, like: Which are you more, Muslim or Canadian? People don’t think about it. This is home."

When I ask Malik who should speak for the Muslim community in the media, the soft-spoken poli-sci student chooses her words carefully.

"Well, we are a community with a diversity of voices, and maybe it’s about time we accept and deal with that," she says. "There’s no way that one voice can represent the whole community."

Are you suggesting Malik supports terrorism based on this 2006 article? Sounds vaguely libellous, that. Whereas I can say that Rob Ford is a lying, substance abuser, with multiple documented episodes of public intoxication and aggression. I can also say that John Tory attempted to justify his infamous Chretien ad in 1993, and that he has a long record of political failure over the last 10 years.
I was planning on voting for Soknacki. Ari Goldkind would be my second choice, however, he has no chance at winning. It will come down to Ford, Chow, or Tory. Neither of which I like. Tory I dislike the least of the bunch, so I will probably vote for him, reluctantly.

Seriously, can we write-in vote for Soknacki or something?

I thought I was going to end up voting Tory (something I thought I'd never do a few months ago) but now I am not so sure.
"extremist Christian views." Huh, so believing in creationism makes one extreme?

Yes. In most developed countries only about 15% of the population defend creationism. When you consider people of the stature of Tory that number dwindles even further.

This guy is a complete disaster of a candidate, and Toronto are too shell-shocked to react. This is our Korean war, people don't want to ask questions, they just want to leave the Ford era behind.
Seriously, can we write-in vote for Soknacki or something?

I thought I was going to end up voting Tory (something I thought I'd never do a few months ago) but now I am not so sure.

Don't do it. At least Chow will let people who have a clue work towards fixing the city. Pretty much all the planners I know are scared of the prospect of dealing with Tory. Don't let his 'centre/forward' posture fool you, he's the anti-Soknacki (who was of course the best candidate of the bunch).
this type of thinking is exactly why we can't have nice things

It's realistic thinking, whether you like it or not. Do you seriously believe Goldkind has a chance? The majority of the city hasn't even heard of him. He has got no hope of winning. I wish I were wrong.
