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2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

lol @ "super old vote" :)

Maybe they don't approve of his crack smoking ways.

Those are some interesting stats. Tory does terribly with young people, but makes it up in middle-aged & old. I'm surprised Ford does so well with the young.
I don't know any young people who like Ford
Don't forget that since this is a Forum poll, it's saying Ford does well among young people with landlines... or the sorts of kids who live with their parents still and are likely to answer THEIR landline phone. Bit skewed.
Some people like Ford because of the crazy, the media attention the hollywood lifestyle. Dead serious, a girl I know told me that she wants to see him reelected because he's hilarious.

I wonder how hilarious she'd find it if a drugged-up, liquored-up Ford rammed his car into a relative of hers.
Don't forget that since this is a Forum poll, it's saying Ford does well among young people with landlines... or the sorts of kids who live with their parents still and are likely to answer THEIR landline phone. Bit skewed.

Haven't they pollsters calling cellular phones now? I got a call from I think Ipsos about 2 months ago on my cell.

Edit: Forum still doesn't.
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Unfortunately I know of a few people who support him because he is hilarious on facebook.

Thankfully, they are the types to not even know when election day is.
The young folk I know are pretty aware of the issues and generally (but not always) vote. They also, as someone pointed out, don't have landlines or live in their parents' basements :) They are, gasp!, taxpayers.
So basically, dozens of chances for Ford to spout his lies and get away with it. Hopefully this debate tonight is a lot more civil.
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I still believe Sok can do it :eek:

Me too. Having done some canvassing volunteering with the Sok in Etobicoke and other places, I really don't think it is that far-fetched. The people I've spoken to that are politically engaged are already quite fond of Soknacki, and the rest who didn't shove the door at my face, were interested in what Soknacki offered.

The one thing I noticed is that Soknacki has a very high approval rating among people who have heard of him, with nearly all already intending to vote for him or would be if Ford wasn't in the race. That is my anecdotal experience, which seems to parallel what the polls say.

I am hoping/betting that once October comes and more of Toronto is tuned in to the election, that this translates into a significant rise in the polls.
