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2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

As a Polish-Canadian (who is currently on vacation to Poland atm, go figure), I thought about that a few times over the year and my conclusion is that they probably supported him in 2010, but you are overlooking some major Polish social traits. Namely, Poland has massive massive family values and Ford is not someone that you would present to your children. There were also no drugs in Commie Poland and drug use (besides smoking and drinking obviously) is so foreign and looked upon very poorly. Same thing with crime and Rob Ford's known associates. Polish people are also hard-working as a trait and IMO would resent someone like Ford who never had to work a day in his life. I also think Polish people, like Italians, would vote for a Polish guy before anyone else and this time there is a small-c conservative Pole in Soknacki to vote for. Even if they don't know who he is, they'll see the name and vote for him.

Also I don't think the Polish population in the city of Toronto is that big of a voting bloc to affect polls. Most Poles live in the 905 today.

Though as I suggested, there *may* be a difference among Poles who opted for Toronto/GTA as opposed to staying home--more "Tyminskian" in their outlook. It's like judging Torontonians through those who chose to move to Calgary. (But yeah, the newer-generation "Tyminskians" are more 905-based than their predecessors: I agree.)

As for Jewish voters: depends on how much the "batsh*t orthodox" skew the picture--but even there, I suppose John Tory will do except among the Flagg-ian fringe. (WEHT Norm Gardner, anyway?)
People just need to admit Ford has a lot of immigrant support. He does.

This is anecdotal obviously, but:

I go to a black barber shop with lots of Jamaican immigrants and when Ford is mentioned, one of the barbers immediately rants how Ford is the "best mayor ever".

I'm at a restaurant with early Ford crack news on the TV. The owner says Ford is an idiot and one of the chefs (who I think had a Jamaican or Caribbean accent and was black) immediately defended him and blamed the media.

Co-workers who are Chinese immigrants seem to tend to love Ford.

We've all seen footage of Ford going into apartment buildings in Etobicoke and getting tons of love.
This is anecdotal obviously, but:

I go to a black barber shop with lots of Jamaican immigrants and when Ford is mentioned, one of the barbers immediately rants how Ford is the "best mayor ever".

I'm at a restaurant with early Ford crack news on the TV. The owner says Ford is an idiot and one of the chefs (who I think had a Jamaican or Caribbean accent and was black) immediately defended him and blamed the media.

Co-workers who are Chinese immigrants seem to tend to love Ford.

We've all seen footage of Ford going into apartment buildings in Etobicoke and getting tons of love.

Yup Yup. He has a grip on the minorities communites. Part of it is the homophobia. Some simply do not like gay people at all. Others is because is he's down in the trenches or appears to be.
I guess she wants to present herself to her critics, but really, who on Chow's team thought it was a good idea to be interviewed by the Toronto Sun, especially that c**t Sue Ann Levy?!

TORONTO - Trying to pin down mayoral candidate Olivia Chow as to where she stands on key issues is kind of like fighting to catch an errant hot-air balloon that, repeatedly propelled by sudden wind gusts, keeps floating off to a higher altitude.

This is not to suggest she's any more full of hot air than the average politician. In fact, during our hour-long sit-down interview earlier this past week, she showed a very tender side when questioned about the loss of husband Jack Layton from cancer three years ago and a recent debilitating bout of shingles that killed her facial nerves, from which it took her 18 months to recover.

Chow said she still can't wear contact lenses because her tear ducts are gone and when she smiles she looks "mean sometimes."

As for Layton, she said when it was his birthday a few days prior to our interview, she went through the day "trying not to cry."

I have no doubt she works hard. I saw her in action during her years at City Hall prior to 2006.

But, after trying to prod her for answers, it became clear to me that much of her platform is being delivered from 30,000 feet and that her grasp of detail on current city issues is considerably lacking. That is despite her 28 years in politics, 20 of them as a Toronto school trustee and city councillor in the downtown ward of Trinity-Spadina.

I find it hard to believe that being away from City Hall-- up in Ottawa since early 2006 when she was first elected as an MP--is the reason.

For instance, I was surprised with her response when I asked how she'd handle the Pan Am Games file as mayor of the host city.

"Isn't it mostly provincial?" she asked between bites of her egg-white-only omelette and fries. "It seems like they are the ones who hired and fired."

When I pressed her for a more, shall we say, fulfilling answer on the Games, she said she hoped there would be local benefits sparking young kids to "learn the game." She didn't elaborate what game she meant but added she hoped there would be a legacy program from the Pan Am Games to "make it so much more affordable and easier" for volunteers to have good tournaments to keep young people out of trouble.

Chow appeared to have no idea what the city was doing in the way of Pan Am legacy projects--$20 million worth to be exact --some of which will include the kinds of things to which she referred. The bulk of the money will not be spent on kids but on pet projects to light the Bloor viaduct (at least $2.8 million); to host dignitaries ($1 million); and to prop up starving artists/entertainers (close to $5 million).

When I asked how she'd handle traffic chaos that will ensue with "Pan Am only" lanes, she asked why they needed to close lanes. She didn't seem to know that, from July 10 to 26 next year, one lane will be closed to regular traffic on the DVP, the Gardiner, Hwy. 407 and all major highways around Toronto to get athletes and Pan Am poobahs to events faster.

I wanted to know if she supports a renewal of police Chief Bill Blair's contract for a further five-year term, another hot-button issue. After all, she was a member of the Toronto Police Services Board in 2000, until she was forced to resign for interfering in a violent protest at Queen's Park by the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty.

She said she'd push for renewal of the contract now but wanted to do a "round of consultations" before making a final decision.

"I haven't looked at the Police Services Board ... I would consult with members on the PSB," she said.

When I brought up bad blood on the board and recent attempts to muzzle vice-chairman Michael Thompson over his criticism of Blair, Chow said she hasn't gotten into the "dynamics" of the board.

Then she asked me if council had voted for Blair's contract renewal yet, even though the PSB has yet to even discuss the contract.

Questions about how she'd tackle the bloat on the police force didn't serve up much more.

"You need to look at the contract ... there may be places where we can negotiate," she said, asking me if the police still have a compressed work week, something they'd tried to tackle years ago.

(The answer is yes. I also mentioned the overlap in shifts which KPMG identified in 2011 as a highly inefficient way to do police business. She knew nothing about that.)

Ditto for her grasp of how to bring entrepreneurship and innovation back to Toronto.

She told me she's hoping to make Toronto the trading hub of Chinese currency and would create Global Toronto (an agency to sell Toronto that would combine the work of the city's Economic Development department and David Miller's creation, Invest Toronto). She also talked about reducing red tape, although again she didn't elaborate.

When I suggested it was taxation and gridlock driving business out of Toronto (and Ontario), she claimed former premier Dalton McGuinty had put a stop to lowering business taxes.

I think she meant education taxes but, in any event, business taxes have been reduced every year courtesy of a plan devised by her opponent in the mayor's race, David Soknacki, when he was budget chief under Miller. This year the residential tax hike was 2.71% while the business hike was 0.77%, one-third of the rate increase for residential properties.

It became obvious as the hour went on that Chow has not progressed beyond her days at City Hall under Mayor Mel Lastman and Miller when she kept herself busy as the Children and Youth Advocate.

In fact, when I asked her what she and Premier Kathleen Wynne have in common besides being former Toronto school trustees, she said they are both committed to children's issues and better after-school programs.

"You know the kinds of things that get me excited," she said.

When I asked her to elaborate on her drive for more after-school programs, she was the most detailed on that file--which wasn't saying much. She said she hopes to find teenagers who have a skill--art, writing, singing or swimming--and who could teach kids anywhere, whether it be at Regent Park, through boys' and girls' clubs and at mosques.

"That's where (we get) our next generation of athletes, writers or artists ... we need to develop their skills," she said.

Chow also hopes to create her own version of Section 37 agreements, in which developers building infrastructure projects valued at more than $50 million have to create apprenticeship programs for youth.

"We have $18.6 billion of capital budget ... we can use that to work for us," she said. (For the record, I have no clue where she got the $18.6 billion.)

Even when I asked how she will convince the suburbs to vote for her, she mentioned her "modest and practical" idea to increase the number of buses serving places like Scarborough-- and then she returned to her children's services mantra.

I even tried to suggest taxpayers want the basics done like potholes filled and roads repaired on a timely basis-- without having to struggle through endless construction as we are this summer.

But no, she insisted residents really want their kids to have good programs.

"I've stood before at least 44 if not 60 Food Basics and Walmarts ... all the parents tell me their kids can't find a job," Chow said. "When I talk about after-school activities they say, 'Oh wow that's really good.'

"There's lots that can be done in terms of the suburbs ... let's just have City Hall deliver the kind of services that are needed, especially to those who need it the most; ensure they are not left behind."

I didn't have the heart to tell her I heard David Miller express the same mantra about ensuring no one is "left behind" in 2006.


"That's not true. I've been cashier at Shoppers Drug Mart for two or three years and a waitress for six years ... I sold paintings, photos ... I had a business when I was an artist. I had three or four contracts."

"I have a car ... Equinox ... you don't think I can do 10 activities on one day. Do you think I can fly?"

"I have the courage to say what needs to be done ... I have the courage of my convictions ... just because Rob Ford and John Tory think it is the right thing to do doesn't mean it's right."

"It was Jamey Heath's thing (her communication adviser) ... I didn't go around handing them out. We weren't doing anything with it."

"Absolutely. I think it's really important for our children to grow up smart and strong especially in an at-risk neighbourhood and in all communities."

"It's worked quite well. My mom likes it. (We have) no issues."

"By appealing to what they (councillors) are most passionate about ... and let them run (with it) as long as you don't break the piggy bank ... that's the difference between me and John Tory. I know how the city works."

"Life is too short ... I want to get things done."

"I journey on ... it doesn't get any easier ... just different."

Sadly this is one article where Ford Nation has cannibalized the comments. You'll be eaten alive if you try and tackle that level of stupid.
Half the city is foreign born so of course he has a lot of immigrant support. Who "refuses to admit" this?

Posters in this thread and both the Rob Ford thread saying "oh don't blame Ford support on the immigrants" come on, just take a look at Ford fest or any news report. If was just old white guys he would not have won in 2010.
I was travelling this weekend and had many people, whom I had previously thought to be intelligent, tell me what a great mayor Ford is and how he is responsible for Toronto's economy doing so well. Sigh.

When asked for specific examples of the great job Ford is doing, of course they couldn't provide any, but hey, they've heard he's saved a lot of money and done a lot of good.
Posters in this thread and both the Rob Ford thread saying "oh don't blame Ford support on the immigrants" come on, just take a look at Ford fest or any news report. If was just old white guys he would not have won in 2010.
Ahem, many of us old'ish white guys are immigrants too. Stereotypes are rarely accurate.
I have to wonder what role some of Ford's support in the Black community has to do with the passing on of left-wing Black community leaders, people like Dudley Laws and Charles Roach. As my friend Stuart Parker (nephew of Harry Jerome) puts it, where are the "justice for Anthony Smith" protests? (I don't agree entirely with his characterization of TO by the way):
