Perks has pretty much the same green/white motif here in 14. I think he'll survive.
Well, unlike Farrow, he didn't use white type for his surname, so it's readable.
Perks has pretty much the same green/white motif here in 14. I think he'll survive.
I'm surprised no one mentioned the Toronto Star/Forum ward by ward poll results (for selected wards) that came out last night: and
The samples sizes are small, but it's hard to see how Rob Ford won't get elected in Ward 2 with over 40% of the vote. Domise and Abukar tied near 15% each. Digging deeper, the strong Doug Ford support in both Ward 1 and 2 suggests Mike Ford might easily win as well. Sigh ...
No other huge shocks - though Ward 12 is a complete toss-up. Yikes, Nunziata might get in.
I'm surprised no one mentioned the Toronto Star/Forum ward by ward poll results (for selected wards) that came out last night: and
The samples sizes are small, but it's hard to see how Rob Ford won't get elected in Ward 2 with over 40% of the vote. Domise and Abukar tied near 15% each. Digging deeper, the strong Doug Ford support in both Ward 1 and 2 suggests Mike Ford might easily win as well. Sigh ...
No other huge shocks - though Ward 12 is a complete toss-up. Yikes, Nunziata might get in.
Sure - but Rob Ford has a huge lead in Ward 2. It's hard to believe as bad as the poll could be - that it's that bad.Well, these are all very small samples. For a sample of 216 as in Ward 2, the sampling error is *at least* about +/-7% and thanks to non-response bias, incomplete sampling frames, and an inability to stratify the sample, the actual error/bias is certainly a lot higher.
Well, these are all very small samples. For a sample of 216 as in Ward 2, the sampling error is *at least* about +/-7% and thanks to non-response bias, incomplete sampling frames, and an inability to stratify the sample, the actual error/bias is certainly a lot higher.
Really? With a an electors list of 33,073 in Ward 2, a survey of 216 would seem to offer a more accurate result than say a survey of 3569 of 1,560,527 (Mainstreet's poll of Toronto with an accuracy of 1.64% 19 of 20 times)
What? The sampling error has little to do with the size of the population. As a general rule of thumb, sampling error is proportional to 1/sqrt(n), with n denoting sample size. This error doesn't, however, account from the bias introduced by non-random non-response.
One problem with these polls is that I'm not sure how they determine where someone with a mobile number lives. Names attached to cell phones don't appear in the phone book, and the exchange of each number doesn't reflect the neighbourhood where they live.
Then, aren't you in fact blowing smoke with + or - 7%, if you don't have a clue on the sampling?