Don't get me wrong, I think that spaces like these below are gems in the city and I'm very happy to welcome them:
It would be rather hypocritical to simply show my disdain for the current built form of the 4SC's exterior without offering solutions.
So to end my argument (this is a thread about 2006, I don't want to hijack it by discussing this issue alone), let me propose some "small changes" that I feel could improve the integration of this building into the Queen + University context and even contribute to making it better, thus justifying it's presence on such an important city intersection
•*Replace the automotive display on Queen + York with an art gallery or 4SC souvenir store. This is an important corner and that large window is an excellent opportunity to fix the lack of street presence.
•*Open the roof top patio... and don't stop there! The 4SC has an extensive unused roof top surface. A roof top garden on the large North-East corner would contribute a new green space to the city, allow for some activity and help the building become carbon neutral.
This could also help the Richmond side: a glass staircase could climb along the side of the façade at a soft angle up to the roof top garden.
The Disney Concert Hall in L.A. has shown how cultural venues can become a city asset beyond its performance functions. The garden there is a beautiful and serene space.
A photo that shows how a roof top garden would look (the trees shown are from Osgoode Hall behind.. nice illusion):
• Open the café already! The covered window that goes along a large stretch of Queen St is perhaps the single most important missing piece of the puzzle. This alone will account for a large part to improving the Queen St. façade. A Café is good, a sit down restaurant there would be better (I wonder how much space is behind that covered glass).
• The 4SC is already doing something right: lunch time free performances in the city room. Allow access to the city room for longer periods of the day, for casual meetings on the "steps" or for appreciating the city from within the "light box". This could be supported by the existence of the coffee shop below.
The 4SC is beautiful when it's populated with opera goers, but that accounts for only a small fraction of time. Allowing round the clock access will keep this vibe for most of the day.
•*Bonus: This wouldn't help street presence but the auto-curtains on the city room glass curtain wall are currently white. Why not replace the white with a beautiful painting.
The Four Seasons Centre has the potential to remediate itself in 2007
... and it could have been worse:
Now back to our regular programing...