I believe that there was little if any solid critique of this building last night. One lady who lived across the street was concerned with the 33 meter roof (she had different colored socks on soooo.....), another gentleman had problems with the massing of the building. The only reasonable comment was from a well-dressed gentleman who asked: 'why can't we have taller towers with smaller footprints to help break up these low, chunky buildings.
Vaughn was on top of his game (he really is good isn't he!) and calmly explained that the OMB grants height based on the surrounding structures and not what might be most appropriate for a certain site. Because of this, if you give one developer 40 stories, they all feel that they are entitled to that, even if their plot doesn't appropriately mass the height. He did say that he likes tall towers where appropriate though.
That said, while the building wasn't the most beautiful structure ever, it did present an interesting treatment for what will, in the end, be a cheap building. The architects have massed the structures on the outside of the plot leaving a 15m space between them for a small, 'European style' courtyard. There will be a major, mid-block pedestrian connection running along the south side of the site connection Adelaide Place with Bathurst which will be 4m wide. All along the ground floor of that connection, the courtyard and Adelaide Place there will be artist lofts from Artscape (If I heard correctly) which will have artisans, not just painters. 40% of units will have a balcony which will not wrap continuously around the building, allowing it to become an extension of residents' garbages (bike storage, etc.), but will punctuate it at intervals, leaving enough space to enjoy the outdoors. Furthermore, it will not have a LEED certification or green roof.
Freed Developments had a cool model on site which they were using to show all the plots which have something proposed or under construction. I got some pictures but I haven't looked at them yet so I'll post if they are good.