Developer: Great Gulf
Address: 18 Yorkville Avenue, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2008
Height: 377 ft / 114.90 mStoreys: 36 storeys
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Toronto 18 Yorkville Condos | 114.9m | 36s | Great Gulf | a—A




If anyone could help me out that'd be great. Does anyone have the approved 18 Yorkville planning documents from way back? Or the link to those documents?

thanks but...

Thanks AoD, but I was looking for the planning documents for 18 Yorkville (the Great Gulf building at the corner of Yorkville and Yonge).

Are they somewhere in the 4 Seasons page? I couldn't see them. I know the 18 Yorkville ones are old, that's why I'm having a hard time finding them.

Could anyone else help?
Re: thanks but...

Oops! My mistake. Somehow I got the two mixed up. I will see what I can find.

LOL... someone asks for 18 Yorkville planning documents and they get links and photos of Four Seasons and the Bloor Street Neighbourhood... LOL!!!
Wow, that's so many moons ago - hard to think that it was the pinnacle of condo architecture at its time (and yes, back then aA was the exception, not the rule).

OMB documents being cited now for the redevelopment at 1 Scollard just to the north of this building had me coming back to this thread, and checking out the City's final report on this building, linked in Alvin's post #5 above. In light of the development has followed in the years since, anyone wanting a fairly hilarious read is encouraged to dig in. The planner was so dead set against 18 Yorkville (proposed at that point at 34 storeys), that she suggested an alternative proposal that was more to her liking. The City never does that now. It's possible that planner would not now see things as she did 15 years ago and that she might embrace what has followed… or maybe she's thinking the city has changed for the worse. In any case, she is in private practice now, no longer with Toronto. Give the doc a read.

In the last week or so - residents have been told here that there are "serious safety concerns with the balcony railing systems" and are being strongly advised not to use their balcony area.
