Developer: Insoho Developments
Architect: KFA Architects and Planners
Address: 3562 St Clair Ave E #3560, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: CompleteCompletion: TBD
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 4 storeys
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Toronto Imagine Condos | ?m | 4s | Insoho | KFA

To start, those balconies should be fritted or frosted glass or perforated metal, and those bricks should be ironspot. Without the sheen of ironspot, black brick is deadly dull. It all costs more though…

I agree, it looks really cheap with the selection of materials, low-budget Home Depot lighting, and all those unsightly white PVC vent pipes sticking out of the façade.
It looks like it could be student housing or a motel.
