Thread for those interested in purchasing at Gairloch and Centrestone's 383 Sorauren.
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That train will be very noisy.
Anyone know what the distance between the train between and the east facing units in new building will be? From google satellite it seems the RW lofts have some parking at the rear which further seperates the building from the noisy trains somewhat... So I am curious if any similar buffer has been put in place with this new building? The outdoor space is south I think not east...
In addition, I assume there must be some kind of noise deterrent ie. special grade windows/doors/etc being put in place on the new building - especially with the new 7.5 minutes/day trains... and at the lady who lived at RW lofts - I hope the choochoo comment was a joke and these trains are not the whistling ones...
They say occupancy is summer next year - somehow I doubt that from the pictures provided by the previous poster (thanks for doing that by the way)
All in all, its a great hood and I like proximity to the park! I had considered the ones on Howard Park (phase 1) - but I was concerned about the street car noise... in retrospect.... agh.
That's the back wall of the excavation, not of the building. 383 Sorauren's back wall will be roughly in line with Robert Watson Lofts'.
Thank you.. that is what I was wondering. But the pictures floating around of the top of the building do not seem to show any space behind (its more in line with the 20ft picture HAWC posted)... isnt there some code about how much of a setback these buildings must be from the rail corridor?
Any RW lofts occupants/visitors know how loud it gets now? Assuming the above is correct where the backwalls are in line - then they must experience the loud trains now but just not as often.
Re: Who is buying - I am considering it (assuming any units left) because I love the area, and in the UK and my flat was very close to Overground and I got used to it... but I was younger and usually slept in a somewhat inebriated statenot so much now.
I wish I had a crystal ball or more money to afford the Howard Park ones or even better a house.
Appreciate the insight.
Ground plan.