Developer: Streetcar Developments, Dream Unlimited
Architect: Giannone Petricone Associates, Giovanni A. Tassone Architects
Address: 2 Eastern Avenue, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2012
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 8 storeys
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Toronto Trinity Lofts | ?m | 8s | Streetcar | Giannone Petricone

Johnny Kay

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Jun 26, 2007
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Wow, Streetcar is setting a pace for themselves. Amazing. I figured this dev could use its own thread now.

Trinity Lofts will be an 8-storey building with just 77 lofts located at Trinity Street and Eastern Avenue, next to the Distillery District.
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Terrible location though. The area is great if you're a car salesman or love cars; otherwise, the street needs narrowing as it feels like a racecourse here. In fact it feels more like Dundas Street Miserysauga than downtown Toronto.

They recently put traffic lights in at Eastern and Trinity, which has really helped for crossing and controlling the traffic around that turn.
Terrible location though. The area is great if you're a car salesman or love cars; otherwise, the street needs narrowing as it feels like a racecourse here. In fact it feels more like Dundas Street Miserysauga than downtown Toronto.

I'm sure all those ugly car dealerships and brownfields will disappear over the next decade or so. Bring on density!
I wasn't paying attention before, but now I'm excited, as I've been wanting this site to be redeveloped for some time now (apparently I didn't register exactly what was being built on when I first read this thread). To be honest though, there's a lot around here I want to be redeveloped but this is a good start. Hopefully the Dodge dealership will be next... and then the storage facility, the several parking lots, the Infiniti dealership (I know it's new). Still love the area though, I'm happy to be here to witness the transformation firsthand.

And UD, to further touch on the racetrack issue, the new lights along with the constant police radar presence at Eastern and Sumach, have really put a curb on the speed. Underutilized sites? It's only a matter of time.
This is a great opportunity to create a landmark. It could be subtle and resemble the design of the schoolhouse or be new and fresh as the Mini dealership across the Don. Listen to Christopher Hume's reflections describing it: . . . this is a piece of architecture that brings new life to an area in transition. . . . it helps create a critical mass of visual interest and activity in a long-neglected corner. Hume also reminds us that buildings have a function. This one has to offer homes to people. But it also has to be a public face, a good neighbour, enhance connectivity and fulfill its urban duties with aplomb. Trinity street residents see their historic path as a gateway to the Distillery and so the street should be elegant and magical at the same time. The challenge will be to tie the new structure to the condo on the north but good design and purposed landscaping can achieve it all. And we can only hope that Streetcar will do a deal with the building on the north/east corner of Trinity and Eastern. It begs for redevelopment. Here's wishing and hoping and waiting. . .
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Judging by Streetcar's previous projects and the tagline: "Where modern lofts meet an historic setting" - I'm thinking it will be a glassy, modern looking infill - likely having no resemblence to Enoch Turner. I would much rather see that however, than something of a faux nature, trying to match the historical setting. Those townhouses on St. Paul's and Queen for example, are a hideous example of architecture trying to be sympathetic to its surrounding but ultimately just failing. I'm sure Corktown Mews on River will be making the same mistake. I hope not, obviously.

I think Streetcar has been creating an amazing juxiposition of architecture in Corktown - it will be intereting to see how the King and Sumch projects end up this summer. They are so close!
Demolition permit in for the dealership building.

Application: Demolition Folder (DM) Status: Under Review

Location: 2 EASTERN AVE

Ward 28: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 10 162642 DEM 00 DM Accepted Date: Apr 23, 2010

Project: Other Demolition

Description: Permit to demolish existing auto showroom - 1 storey - 70 m2 building.
Wow, looks nice, I especially like that it follows the curve of the road. What a positive impact this'll have on the intersection. Now we just need to redevelop that Dodge-Chrysler dealership, and the large expanses of surfing parking that still surround the Distillery.
Wow, looks nice, I especially like that it follows the curve of the road. What a positive impact this'll have on the intersection. Now we just need to redevelop that Dodge-Chrysler dealership, and the large expanses of surfing parking that still surround the Distillery.

Looks great but the units are tiny.

Yep 512 square feet. What we have been doing to pigs, calves and chickens is now the lot of condo dwellers.
