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  1. S

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    Greetings. Where did the Doug Ford thread go?
  2. S

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    It wasn't what he was selling. The concern is that he was (allegedly) a big enough dealer, who had his own runners, that he owes allegiance to whoever was supplying him. This wasn't a kid selling baggies, this was part of a supply chain that goes back to organized crime. Who is now expecting...
  3. S

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Doug's going to have many preoccupations besides premiering: a failing business that nevertheless must keep the Ks in Gucci purses, a brother who makes a good hatstand but clearly also lacks business skills, a massive lawsuit that will clean out the rest of the larder, a dwindling supply of his...
  4. S

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Kevin Donovan on Metro Morning said the newsroom received a tip by phone on Friday saying that the case was filed in Superior Court, but didn't say when it had been filed. Reporters would have seen the documents on Monday morning. So if reporters tried to reach Doug over the weekend even before...
  5. S

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    This campaign is deja vu all over again. Grabbing my phone before my eyes are even open in the morning to see what fresh antics have unfolded overnight from Doug's gang of lovable misfits. Spent four years doing that in 2010-2014. People baying at the timing of this breaking story are probably...
  6. S

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Ford Nation was Rob's tribe - Saint Rob of Etobicokus is/was always much more beloved by the acolytes than Doug. Altho Doug wasted no time taking on the sacred mantle, hosting the world's most ridiculous lying-in-state, and co-opting the @fordnation tag, there will be some followers for whom...
  7. S

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Doug can dish it out.
  8. S

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Given Doug's currently ballooning girth, I can't imagine he could mount any effective shenanigans within the confines of a car. Rob, however, was apparently observed mowing his way through a BBQ chicken while in a car so perhaps the Ford bros have a range of expertise yet to be revealed.
  9. S

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    I have no idea what Mark Towhey is saying except that he's a very unfunny bloke these days. Meanwhile, legions of Ford family members and associates are heroin addicts including sister Kathy and husband Ennio Stirpe (Michael Ford's dad), and also, if you attended any of the Sandro Lisi...
  10. S

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    I just checked Trust 15's Twitter. Doug Ford is a VERY recent follower.
  11. S

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    I also think Doug's not looking too well. Not to disparage anyone's appearance, but he's packed on a lot of weight in a short period of time and his face has the sort of florid look that you see in people with heart conditions*. (*Zero days in medical school.)
  12. S

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    If elected Premier of Ontario, Doug's primary use of his megaphone will not be to support sex-ed crazies or fiddle with abortion regulations or bring business to Ontario (chuckle). It will be to start positioning himself as the next prime minister of Canada. Remember the family chats round...
  13. S

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Well Raymond Cho seems to like him. And Mammo is slavering over a possible role.
  14. S

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Agreed x infinity. Kathleen Wynne has to go cleats up against Doug's character, lies, and lack of meaningful policy - Tory and Chow handled him with kid gloves during the mayoral election and enabled the impression Doug was a viable candidate by default. Wynne has to pull off Doug's human face...
  15. S

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Al Jebra and Al Ghorithm. Famous martyrs. Died in the deserts of ancient Mesopotamia trying to clear cut all the Christmas trees.
  16. S

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    "Ontario is getting wrecked." It just writes itself, doesn't it.
  17. S

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Soooo .... what dreamy ambitions are snaking through Dougie's little blond head tonight?
  18. S

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    So although the Sandro Lisi trial came to nothing, does the evidence get made public? Asking for a friend.
  19. S

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    At the local watching TFC tonight sipping a nice pint of craft beer and got robo-called by SOMEONE at 647-848-1558 to ask about municipal election voting. "In the last municipal election, there were three candidates. Doug Ford, John Tory and Olivia Chow. Press 1 if you voted for Doug Ford, 2 if...
  20. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Wow I really have been out of the loop. Hadn't realized that Don Peat is now working as Tory's spox.
