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  1. P

    Toronto Yonge Sheppard Centre Renovations and Expansion | 123.13m | 35s | RioCan | BDP Quadrangle

    Nice try on your guesses, but you're pretty inaccurate! Where do you get your information? This map was updated on Nov 10, 2017 and it still shows Ren's Pet fronting Sheppard Ave E.
  2. P

    Yonge Street, North York Streetscape Improvements

    It was a last minute addition to counter the "cyclist don't pay taxes" notion! LOL! In all seriousness, I pay a ***load of taxes living in the area.
  3. P

    Yonge Street, North York Streetscape Improvements

    I would love to see bike lanes on all three roads, Yonge and Beecroft and Doris! Thanks to Shiner and other car-minded folks, such as Stormin' Norm Gardner, I wouldn't have seen the potential of having bike lanes on either Beecroft nor Doris. They look amazing anywhere! As seen on Bloor, if...
  4. P

    Toronto Emerald Park Condos | 128.92m | 40s | Bazis | Rosario Varacalli

    Here's some evidence. The maturity level of some forum members never ceases to amaze me.
  5. P

    Toronto Yonge Sheppard Centre Renovations and Expansion | 123.13m | 35s | RioCan | BDP Quadrangle

    Popeye's can refer to either fried chicken or health supplement supply store. Since the unit is between pizza and Thai food, I'm guessing it's the fried chicken.
  6. P

    Yonge Street, North York Streetscape Improvements

    On street parking reduces the street to 2 lanes anyway most of the time, about 90% of the week. One of the complaints raised was 100's of on street parking will disappear. What they fail to mention is over 15,000 spots remain available in the area. Not counting the on street ones, which number...
  7. P

    Toronto Yonge Sheppard Centre Renovations and Expansion | 123.13m | 35s | RioCan | BDP Quadrangle

    Popeye's is opening in the food court! Since it's in the food court, low chance is the vitamin supplement store, right? :)
  8. P

    Toronto Yonge Sheppard Centre Renovations and Expansion | 123.13m | 35s | RioCan | BDP Quadrangle

    Add Blaze Pizza and Sweet Jesus to the Yonge frontage! Interestingly, in addition to three big banks, Meridian Credit Union is moving in.
  9. P

    Toronto Emerald Park Condos | 128.92m | 40s | Bazis | Rosario Varacalli

    What type of Chinese food, fried rice/noodle (I hope)? I'm not crazy about that hotpot one at the north end, I guess hotpot is not my thing.
  10. P

    Toronto Yonge Sheppard Centre Renovations and Expansion | 123.13m | 35s | RioCan | BDP Quadrangle

    From your vantage point, you can see the jerks holding up traffic trying to make a left onto Harlandale from Yonge. Even though there is a "No Left" sign erected.
  11. P

    Yonge Street, North York Streetscape Improvements

    I believe what you said is the intent of the ring road design. They do not easily allow traffic into low-density residential streets.
  12. P

    Yonge Street, North York Streetscape Improvements

    Carshare/Zipcar can easily handle that. Ikea and grocery trips as well, if needed. I cycle all year and I WITNESS others doing the same since I'm on a fairly routine schedule. I couldn't a few days because of the snow, but most people couldn't drive properly on those days either. Damn, I...
  13. P

    Yonge Street, North York Streetscape Improvements

    But improvement of the pedestrian realm includes separating pedestrians from cyclists, who use the sidewalks instead of the street. As a resident taxpayer of this area, I resent that Yonge is being used as a highway. If Shiner cares about York region residents so much, he should vote to...
  14. P

    Toronto Emerald Park Condos | 128.92m | 40s | Bazis | Rosario Varacalli

    Awesome! Keep us informed on its opening (or if they install a tandoor/tandoori oven). Anyone try the Poke? I've been to Allwyn's several times already!
  15. P

    Yonge Street, North York Streetscape Improvements

    I only heard of this from CBC today. What's with all the secrecy?
  16. P

    Yonge Street, North York Streetscape Improvements

    So does this mean it can go either way next week by Exec Committee vote? I understand that the Public Transit Infrastructure Fund will pay $2 million of the $4 million cost. What a lost opportunity if Shiner's motion goes through!
  17. P

    Toronto 325 Bogert Avenue | 86.86m | 27s | Greatwise | Core Architects

    Thanks for the specifics. So it's been in the planning stages for 37 yrs and counting! :eek:
  18. P

    Toronto 325 Bogert Avenue | 86.86m | 27s | Greatwise | Core Architects

    It's definitely not a done deal. Sure the bike plan has been in existence for some time, but it doesn't lessen the need for it. Pedestrian and cyclist culture is growing in the area and it's always good to plan for it, despite being built. The city has a revenue problem and you shouldn't be...
  19. P

    Toronto 325 Bogert Avenue | 86.86m | 27s | Greatwise | Core Architects

    1,399 bike parking is being made in anticipation that there will be more cyclists in the area. The city is planning on installing lanes on Senlac, Easton, Harlandale and Florance. I also read in the Sheppard Ave West study about cycletracks on Sheppard (hopefully to Bathurst or over the West...
  20. P

    Toronto Emerald Park Condos | 128.92m | 40s | Bazis | Rosario Varacalli

    Too bad I don't work in the area, Allwyn's sounds perfect for lunch! On the odd occasion I'm around, I'm recently always going for BKK's lunch specials (next door). I'm in for this!
