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News   Sep 04, 2024
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News   Sep 04, 2024
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  1. W

    Phone Wars

    ganja, you're right it's all about preference. Mind you, on a display that small, cramming more pixels onto the screen serves almost no purpose If you look at the Galaxy S screen next to any other display it will blow you away, this much I'm sure of. It's really it's strongest selling feature...
  2. W

    Phone Wars Wow I can't believe the Star hired a PR firm to write a review for the Iphone4 and plaster it on the front page. What an unbalanced piece of garbage. Yes it's an excellent phone...
  3. W

    Phone Wars

    Just about any app of any significance is either on both platforms or on the way to Android now. Developers aren't going to turn a blind eye to a profitable market. The truth about Iphone apps (and a great deal of Android apps) is that 90% of them are just rubbish or are just different flavours...
  4. W

    Phone Wars

    ganja, I'd also give a good look at the newest HTC droid phones if you really can't wait. Aside from the screen and slightly less horsepower they're also pretty damn fantastic!
  5. W

    Phone Wars

    I wouldn't worry about this at all. The Samsung Touch Wiz UI looks just as pretty and is far more robust than IOS. To give you an example, it's a pretty blatent rip off of the iphone in terms of icons and appearance, however you can add live widgets to each screen (there are 7 screens you can...
  6. W

    Phone Wars

    I'm in love with my Galaxy S. The phone can be a little slow when you launch a memory intensive app but that's been the only drawback and there is a software update coming soon to help that (along with Android 2.2 support!). The display is just beautiful. The Iphone boosts a higher res...
  7. W

    Carlton Cinema is shutting down... and opening back up again

    Oh wow I'm a profit! I'm so happy that this is working out. That sign has got to go... Magic Lantern can do tacky better than anyone else (just look at their assortment of shorts they run before the feature). Hopefully it gets the proper treatment soon.
  8. W

    Phone Wars

    I can't say I miss Rogers or the other Canadian co's at all :) I'm currently rocking a Samsung Galaxy S through SK telecom for about $50/month with 5000 minutes, 2gb data transfer (useless since there is wifi always within reach) and it was only $200 down on a 2 yr contract. Wind looks decent...
  9. W

    Which Version Of 1 Bloor East Do You Like The Best?

    Need to see the base of Great Gulf's tower before I vote. This would be the perfect spot to relocate Mississauga's twin beauties going up.
  10. W

    September 11th: Real or Fraud?

    So all of our keystrokes will soon be logged by the gov't? Despite what Mr Jones says, google is a private company and can choose what it does and doesn't sell. Wal Mart has been notorious for banning albums and movies for both their content and packaging, does that mean it was the US gov't...
  11. W

    Creationism vs Evolution

    gristle, I see your point and while I don't agree with you on many things (I would define an opinion as an uncertain knowledge for example)... you still made claims about me that were untrue (ie. not understanding the scientific use of the word theory when I clearly demonstrated a more than...
  12. W

    September 11th: Real or Fraud?

    I'm not saying it's a conspiracy.. I'd just like to see some of the footage. The FBI was quick to confiscate all known recordings of the pentagon and never released them. Has anyone scientifically been able to demonstrate how building 7 fell? NO. Even the official report officially...
  13. W

    September 11th: Real or Fraud?

    But what exactly has been revealed since the start of the poll? I'm still sitting on the damn fence. I still can't wrap my head around the pentagon crash... the flight path, the lack of debris, the lack of video evidence (is any building in the world under MORE surveillance than the...
  14. W

    Creationism vs Evolution

    gristle, nowhere in this thread has my opinion changed, nowhere have I confused atheism with science and you didn't even have the courage to address my last post... instead another whimsical rant trying to bash me. bravo
  15. W

    Creationism vs Evolution

    Gristle, YOU have been the one insisting on making personal attacks. Not only that, but you’re being incredibly misleading all for the sake of discrediting my own OPINION. Not only does it add nothing to the thread, it’s completely unwarranted and demonstrates what kind of individual you truly...
  16. W

    Creationism vs Evolution

    Perhaps you should go back and re-read, I did provide examples. How can one claim that there can be no absolute certainty? That statement in itself is absolute.
  17. W

    Creationism vs Evolution

    But it sure makes it easier to go on with life when you're a slave doesn't it? After all you'd be going to heaven and your masters would be going to hell. What a brilliant concept! If Jesus did exist (and there's only vague references at best in the historical record), he sure was a great...
  18. W

    Creationism vs Evolution

    What are the events that are without any basis? What about the ones that are "with basis"? Are they suddenly discredited even though they're well documented? I provided legitimate examples and you're trying to discredit them... I took your statement about god and replaced the word god with...
  19. W

    Creationism vs Evolution

    Well you grossly underestimated just how many believed in it. My mind is still open on the matter, but it's clear that the proverbial ball was dropped too many times for people not to start asking questions. I wouldn't call such people "nutters". No, they stated they had proof that there...
  20. W

    Creationism vs Evolution A small sample of the total UT population, but not inconsistent with the results of other polls. You deem creationism to be more plausible than 9/11 being a conspiracy. I'd actually argue the opposite. We've seen the US...
