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  1. A

    King Street (Streetcar Transit Priority)

    but on queen, or king? even if the capital cost is not as expensive as i'm thinking (rails? concrete? switches? transportation of materials? labour?), there's the lost revenue when the construction makes an absolute hash of the street's merchants. having seen the preparations the city put into...
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    King Street (Streetcar Transit Priority)

    moving streetcar tracks would be incredibly expensive and painful
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I appreciate anybody keeping expenses low in the public sector, except when that interferes with operations. For instance, everybody and their brother whines TO NO EFFING END about how bloody expensive capital projects are, but very few people ever note that the City's procurement practice - at...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    yeah, i know. i was being a little flippant.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    saturday night i waited for an hour for my friends to meet me at biermarkt on the esplanade. standing outside, i listened in to a group of young professionals - late 20's to late 30's, probably - standing outside to smoke. they discussed the pride parade at one point, that one of them had...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    So, again, let's go back to how you frame your argument - unless I agree with you, I'm blinded by bias. I give up.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    i appreciate your attempt at reaching across ye olde partisan divide, but you've managed to word your effort poorly. i HONESTLY think there isn't an equal amount of baseless blind hatred of the mayor as there is adoration. sincerely. i think a lot of people who are very very frustrated by the...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    ok, but Ontario is like 50% catholic, ain't it? never mind the fact that, from what i understand, this would take opening up the constitution? (swearsies, i have read that somewhere...) i'd love non-religious publicly funded k-12 schools. not gonna happen anytime soon though.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    sorry, ramako, i started posting, dealt with something at work, went to the bathroom, and finished my post but not my thought. traveller focussed on those selling drugs and guns, and those committing assaults and murders. if there were sufficient incriminating evidence - seriously, i doubt...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    if you follow the news releases and subsequent reporting on big projects like traveller, i think that relatively minor charges like possession, p&p violations, bail violations, etc., tend to either get dropped or pled down. the crown has limited resources, and a large project like this (even...
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    King Street (Streetcar Transit Priority)

    from munro's blog: i remember a ttc planner telling a town hall in parkdale (about the 2004-05 queen track reconstruction, no less) that right of way on either king or queen would be great in reducing traffic and increasing the efficiency of the streetcar, but...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    having read the mayor's objections to a study of a king street only traffic in one direction in the morning rush, why don't we strike a compromise? 6am - 9am, only streetcars on king street between river and roncesvalles (i know, full length of the street). 9am - 3pm, anything goes; streetcar...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    hookers...busty hookers? 'cos that joke never gets tired.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    that's complicated, though, irishmonk. you don't want the armed agents of the state able to investigate, arrest, and charge elected officials with impunity because then the real power lies with said armed agents of the state. there needs to be a finely tuned balance in these matters.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    actually, it seems quite clear from his brother's comments in the press that he has consented, or at the least, endorsed the laying of charges.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    the Crown presses charges. technically, as i understand criminal law in Canada, a crime is committed against Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada's Criminal Code. the Crown does not need the victim's consent to press charges - it differs from how the American system operates because they are...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Criminal trials involving large raids like Project Traveller require massive resources marshalled in the Crown's office to prosecute. Crowns tends to prioritize on the charges that they believe they can successfully prosecute, are in the public interest, and are sensitive politically. Although...
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    Insite - Toronto IV drug injection site being discussed.

    not that there's really much need for one, but i'm not averse to one in my neighbourhood. seriously, heroin addicts are way easier to deal with than crack or meth addicts. or even serious alcoholics.
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    Next Mayor of Toronto?

    re: Stinz I don't live in her constituency, I don't particularly care for her politics, and she has not instilled faith in me that she can wield details particularly well; however, I did see her on a panel on The Agenda with Steve Paikin and thought she was intelligent and articulate. I...
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    Community Safety & Security Forum I have been to several of these fora before so it wasn't new to me. One point I didn't make last night was to get input and buy-in from the BIA in terms of working with residents [home owners, tenants] and social service providers and law enforcement to...
