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  1. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Jeepers, Peepers - thanks for admitting it!
  2. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Ha, but now we know it's cuz he's a God-fearing man who constantly prays! :)
  3. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    As others have noted, Mr. Ford initially denied this when first confronted with it, and only admitted it later. This type of response may sound familiar. Also, "in this youth" is a somewhat questionable caveat given that the man was THIRTY when this happened. I understand and respect that...
  4. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Good call! And she's already played a similar role in the underrated State of Play.
  5. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'll give him the benefit of the doubt here. Anyone can take a single frame of the movie of any of our lives and makes us look less than great. You're taking what you know/think you know of him and ascribing context. He might just be yawning for all we know. I'm not a fan of the mayor but I...
  6. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    True, but it does give us some insight into how slowly actual charges take, even for something as cut and dry as a guy selling contraband to an undercover cop. If it took this long for these charges to be laid, it's quite possible other, more complicated cases are still be worked on.
  7. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Plus I think we're forgetting what (re)triggered this whole conversation - namely that MetroMan said that he heard that Ford was NOT using the alleged escort service for sex. He implied it was more of a post-Lisi connection thing.
  8. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I agree. And I'm fairly sure that if I'd admitted to smoking crack and had been tailed by the cops, I too would respectfully decline their invitation to chat, no matter what else I did or didn't do.
  9. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    True. Could have been just a lark to ride on a free tab or solely for the laughs or whatever. And I didn't mean it as put-down of her no matter, really, what their connection - however tenuous or intertwined it might turn out to be. I guess I was just saying attractive women don't usually hang...
  10. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Which just seems so unfathomable in the first place even under the most innocous of circumstances given, well, you know, basically everything about him.
  11. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    In Ford's defense, from what I remember of the Bier Market these woman are about the only thing that could possibly make the place tolerable. I kid! I kid!
  12. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Me thinks that dude with just his leg showing is about to be very happy that photo was cropped just so.
  13. E

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    MetroMan mentions the post-Lisi connection, then goes on to clarify that Ford DOESN'T (emphasis mine) call prostitutes for sex, which implies he calls them for something else. The implication is pretty clear. I smell Vice Squad.
