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Search results

  1. PukeGreen

    The World in 25 years?

    I was going to vote in this poll but I didn't, because 1) I didn't know what a "dominat power" was, and 2) I didn't see any option involving the words "hell" and "handbasket" which would reflect my expectations most accurately.
  2. PukeGreen

    Is parking for a condo essential?

    But really, that $35,000 parking spot would probably just mean that you can afford $35,000 less condo. So if you pay for the parking you're gaining a parking spot but losing something else, say square footage or a balconey or nicer finishings. Likewise, the value of the condo would increase...
  3. PukeGreen

    St Lawrence Market

    Bruce Bell also writes an article on Toronto history in every issue of the local Bulletin newspaper. Many of the stories are fascinating and it is sad how little of Toronto's history most of us are aware of. To paraphrase Bruce: the type of historical sites the US would honour with monuments...
  4. PukeGreen

    St Lawrence Market

    I agree this neighbourhood should have its own thread. There is one under the Retail section for St. Lawrence/King East that covers various openings and closings in the area. I really like living near this neighbourhood -- the whole area is a bit of a calm oasis in a way, and it has great...
  5. PukeGreen

    Dense City? adding 2 million people!

    The much-derided condo boom is a big part of this. Look at the downtown east; miles of former warehouses and factories are being replaced with condo towers. Like it or not, this trend is key to handling density. The greatest challenge will be that for many new immigrants to Canada the...
  6. PukeGreen

    The Star: Toronto's condo boom is heading for a bust

    Meh, the condo market is a bit out of hand and could use some correction. I don't believe the percentage of buyers who are pure speculators is that high. Everybody I know who has bought a condo downtown in recent years actually lives here, and likes it. There's still lots of demand for...
  7. PukeGreen

    Gooderham Building (Flatiron) renovation?

    TORONTO STAR: A FACELIFT FOR THE FLATIRON November 24, 2008 | Francine Kopun Art conservator Sandra Lougheed steps like a detective around the giant panels of the Flatiron Building mural, sprawled at her feet in a warehouse in Stoney Creek, shooting pictures with a digital camera. The...
  8. PukeGreen


    Agreed. Terms like that are relative and often based on a person's situation. In a similar way, everyone's idea of "gentrification" is different. I laugh when I see "die yuppie scum" scrawled on condo billboards, because I live in a condo, so I guess to some people that makes me yuppie...
  9. PukeGreen

    Transformation AGO (5s, Gehry) COMPLETE

    The lineup on Saturday just after 11am looked grim, extending down McCaul to the OCAD entrance, but it actually moved quite quickly. I would guess we were inside within half an hour. However, it was really too crowded to do any "art appreciation" but a good opportunity to wander around and get...
  10. PukeGreen

    Restaurants/Coffee Shops - St. Lawrence/King East

    It's called "Corner Place" or "The Corner Place" and it no longer has any association with the former owners of Ninth Gate, Eleven, or Garden @ Eleven. One of the new owners is the young guy who ran the restaurant a few doors east called Cafe Asia (also known as Market Fresh for a year or so...
  11. PukeGreen

    The BOW: after the pour

    I actually thought it was about how they pour a good pint at the Bow & Arrow pub.
  12. PukeGreen

    Restaurants/Coffee Shops - St. Lawrence/King East

    It seems the defunct restaurant known as "Natcho Thai Thai" (oh how that name always bothered me) on King near Church is going to be replaced by a St. Louis Bar & Grill wings joint. Looks like they are aiming to spread around the downtown, having recently opened a location in the Atrium on Bay...
  13. PukeGreen

    The Smokers Next door

    I have to say that I think cigarette smoke is in a different category from subjective and midly unpleasant odours like cooking smells. It's a scientifically proven carcinogenic, for one. It gives me sharp headaches. It seriously aggravates my wife's allergies. And yes, of course smoking...
  14. PukeGreen

    The Smokers Next door

    Man, I would love some justice on this issue as well. We have a similar problem with stale cigarette odours somehow emanating into our unit, even though none of the close neighbours on our same floor seem to smoke (the hall near us is odour-free). Luckily it's only occasionally, usually just on...
  15. PukeGreen

    Some shots around downtown

    Great photos, thanks for posting them. I too have not been up the CN Tower since I was a kid, and it was cloudy that day to boot. Your glass floor photo has inspired me to actually get up there again one of these days. Also, I am very relieved these "shots around downtown" were not the kind...
  16. PukeGreen

    Kensington Market

    Starbucks? In Kensington? Ugh. I don't know why I didn't see it coming but that blindsided me. All I can say is that although the area is gentrifying rapidly they had best make the windows out of shatterproof glass, at least for the first year or so until things die down.
  17. PukeGreen

    one conservative's plan for Harper majority...

    Is this a joke? Does a fellow Canadian really want to do this to our country? Who can use phrases like "burn them down" and "salt the earth" and "it’s easier to destroy than it is to create" and suggest these things are positives? Who in their right might would suggest dismantling all of...
  18. PukeGreen

    Why the housing market is not set to melt down

    Neat, this is quite the laundry list of many reasonable sounding points (to a layperson, anyway, I admit I don't have enough knowledge on these topics to point out flaws or omissions). It would be wonderful if Canada could ride out this mess with only a "modest erosion" of home prices after the...
