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  1. A

    Snow Dump Near Downsview Park

    "Promotheus" --- the issue is the massive snow dump here: Please feel free to debate the environmental effects - if you can't do that, kindly join another discussion.
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    Snow Dump Near Downsview Park

    "Prometheus" - I've found the best way to have a discussion is to have a mutual and fair respect for each other, without resorting to demeaning or degrading comments. When you start to criticize the person, the item that was being discussed is lost. I would not like to see a forum like this...
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    Snow Dump Near Downsview Park

    No problem for getting more info - These are the environmental impacts as written by a local Toronto Author about the pile near the Don Valley: As quoted in the article: " It’s snow removed from Toronto’s city’s streets, and it’s causing...
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    Snow Dump Near Downsview Park

    Back to the original point and all things considered, which of the two options would you pick? If neither, what other alternative would you suggest? Hi Atserix - great points and well thought out. I'm sure we both mean well. For the question about what alternative would you suggest - I...
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    Next Mayor of Toronto?

    Interesting Quote " I guess you could call him a visionary, but I really don't like the way he's going about getting things done and what he's prioritizing. " That's a really really creative and interesting statement - I wonder if it reflects the overall feeling of people in Toronto.
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    North York Council names street "OMB Folly"

    OMB rules against Snow Dump It is unfortunate that in a city as presently dysfunctional as Toronto is ( at present ), we would have the chutzpah to criticize the OMB. Honestly, let's please clean up our own back yard first - then criticize others. After hearing almost daily on radio, tv and...
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    Snow Dump Near Downsview Park

    Ottawa Bans Snow Dump Site Close To Residents .... At least one city in Canada is addressing the long term toxic issues of these dumps !!!! " .... as for future sites, the new City of Ottawa Official Plan will not allow snow disposal sites to be set up so close to residents or a river ... "...
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    Snow Dump Near Downsview Park

    Good point - name changed to Snow Dump near Downsview Park. Based on the picture with the flag - how many feet "high" would you say this dump is?
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    Snow Dump Near Downsview Park

    Hi Asterix - no problem at all Here's the Official Toronto Plan for the allen road and sheppard. More housing going in here than you would ever imagine ( honest ). Here's the PDF for the actual plan of the area where the dump...
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    Snow Dump Near Downsview Park

    Yes the area is zoned for housing - it's part of Toronto's Plan for the redevelopment of the area. Also keep in mind there is a Federal Park next to it, called "Downsview Park". Also keep in mind there is an airport runway three or so hundred feet away, called "Downsview Airport". Perhaps...
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    Snow Dump Near Downsview Park

    "sometimes when contaminants filter into the soil, they bind with certain compounds present in the ground and become less of an issue" Um .... did you really truly read that before you typed it ???? ;)
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    Snow Dump Near Downsview Park

    Looks like Downsview Park isn't the only place where these dumps are a concern .... "While it may be nice to have clear roads for driving and parking, the environmental impact on the Don is severe. Accompanying the snow is a large amount of road salt. The salt when dissolved in water becomes...
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    Snow Dump Near Downsview Park

    Good idea ( and thanks! ) There are big fences around the dump - what is the best way to have the material analyzed? This would involve not only looking at the 300 feet of waste left there, but also the potential effects that this has already had on the existing soil and the surrounding park...
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    Snow Dump Near Downsview Park

    Thanks - Good point Prometheus with " I bet there's a bit of oil and other chemicals in that pile". I guess I just can't figure out how come if it's so bad that you can't put it into the lake ( which makes sense ) then the city just decides to create a mountain of it all and then let it go...
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    Snow Dump Near Downsview Park

    Hi - The city of Toronto each year creates a massive dump right next to Downsview Park - it is supposed to be for snow, but in addition to the snow there is also garabage and waste that seeps right into the ground. I have been told there is also one near Christie Pits. There is a one minute...
