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  1. lead82

    2018 Municipal Election: Toronto Council Races

    Here in Ward 12 Toronto-St. Pauls, it will be interesting to see who of the incumbents wins - Matlow vs. Mihevc. Mihevc has the west/south side of the ward mostly on his side, while Matlow generally has the north and east side to him due to the old ward boundaries. Both are good councillors that...
  2. lead82

    Finch West Line 6 LRT

    At this point, Finch West should just get a BRT with some more express like stops. This line will be one to be cut. At this point, it's an isolated rail line and would likely be that way for a long time. If funding is to be cut, this line is the place to do it. Built a VIVA-style BRT with Van...
  3. lead82

    Waterloo Region Transit Developments (ION LRT, new terminal, GRT buses)

    When is the service slated to start operating?
  4. lead82

    Toronto Municipal Election 2018: Mayor’s Race

    Jennifer Keesmaat has been a disappointment in her race thus far. Her transit plan is vague and doesn't really deal with the issues of how she will build DRL sooner other than accelerating studies. She doesn't advocate to extend DRL to Sheppard which would actually provide real relief and...
  5. lead82

    Richmond Hill Yonge Line 1 North Subway Extension | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

    We should be pursuing both options, and surface RER is a much better alternative in general then extending the subway into the suburbs. Subways are meant for short inner-city distances not city-new suburb commuting.
  6. lead82

    2018 Municipal Election: Toronto Council Races

    Matlow must have pissed off many to get Stintz to support Mihevc. Stintz was the worst TTC chair in recent memory. The service went downhill fast under her watch and her scheme to resurrect the Scarborough subway got us into the mess we are currently in. She is an opportunist that did nothing...
  7. lead82

    King Street (Streetcar Transit Priority)

    I find it amazing how the city has messed up this key project. The data on this pilot is awful and basically can be easily construed to going back to the status quo, when eyes on the ground see that is had made a huge difference in travel times. The wait time and reliability is a lot better but...
  8. lead82

    467-469 Spadina Road (Spicecart, 4s, ?)

    This will sit for a long time. It's a shame no developer is interested in actually restoring the beautiful old apartment building. It would be put to much better user than this ultra-luxe garbage. This location so close to the subway and the village should be much denser than what's there now...
  9. lead82

    Toronto Municipal Election 2018: Mayor’s Race

    Smaller council means more suburban politicians. 47 would have given the dense inner city more power than the suburbs. Can’t have that. So now the dinosaurs like Minnan Wong and Mammoliti will have more power. Great!
  10. lead82

    Danforth Line 2 Scarborough Subway Extension

    I don't see SCC being a regional hub. It's too far from Pickering and Markham border to justify buses going that far. With RER/GO having more frequent all day service, it would make much more sense to route Markham/Pickering buses to GO stations than to SCC, since SCC to Union or downtown will...
  11. lead82

    Toronto 5959 Yonge Street Condos | 146.5m | 46s | Ghods Builders | Hadi Teherani

    Having lived in one of the Ghods condos I can say that the building quality is terrible. Lots of repairs needed to large mechanical parts that should have lasted a long time. There was a major lawsuit between the condo Corp and Ghods to fix structural leaks on the terraces . It took years to...
  12. lead82

    Toronto Municipal Election 2018: Mayor’s Race

    Patience - the real campaign starts after Labour Day when most people start paying attention. Its still summer and most people are on vacation and don't care about the municipal campaigns. I expect Keesmat and Tory will both be making lots of policy planks/announcements in September and the last...
  13. lead82

    GO Transit: Service thread (including extensions)

    Uber would be good for this. It's worked in Innisfil and other low density places. Otherwise, GO stations need to become hubs of activity with lots of services/shops nearby to allow people to get errands done as part of their trip. Lots of GO stations have absolutely nothing around them or if...
  14. lead82

    TTC surface stop spacing

    Indeed. It’s the selfishness of them. We have to think of the benefit to entire city over a few people. Besides, I would argue that the locals who use the line at the major stops would greatly appreciate the improved travel time.
  15. lead82

    TTC surface stop spacing

    This is one of the things that boggles my mind. Only in Toronto do we accept such closely spaced stops. We could improve the TTC a lot by simply removing ridiculously closely spaced stops. It would improve travel time for the vast majority of people and would slightly inconvenience the few who...
  16. lead82

    VIA Rail

    This proposal isn’t going anywhere until there is funding commuted by the Feds. This is just more stalling. Canada should be in the guiness book of world records for most rail studies. Just do the design and build it.
  17. lead82

    High Speed Rail: London - Kitchener-Waterloo - Pearson Airport - Toronto

    It is indeed hard to imagine such a future in Ontario. This project has no legs. It’s been announced and re-announced without any progress at all. With the election result likely to be a Ford government, this infrastructure funding will be first to be cut. Instead I can see Ford funding 401...
  18. lead82

    Yonge Street, North York Streetscape Improvements

    Given Tory's hold on votes, I think the likely and predictable outcome will be Enhance Yonge and Beecroft will get the lanes. I just hope they don't compromise and actually put in proper physically separated lanes and not just sharrows. The lanes should go from Sheppard to Finch hydro corridor...
  19. lead82

    Finch West Line 6 LRT

    Say goodbye to this line once Ford wins. Eglinton it too far along to kill, but this one will be part of a budget cut as no serious construction has started. Rob Ford killed Sheppard East LRT in a similar state, and Doug will kill Finch West. He will claim that Rexdale deserves a subway, but of...
  20. lead82

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

    Not surprising given there are no known major candidates running against him. Tory will win re-election. The cards are aligned and no one will run again him this time. 2022 look out. Someone will need to come in and clean up the mess left by 4 years of austerity and heavy cuts by Tory+Ford.
