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  1. Agram

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    The pain booth at Hillcrest is for buses and streetcars only, even if you bused the subway car there it would be hard to bring it inside as the transfer table is not equiped for subways. There is a paint booth at Greenwood Shop but that is for only minor repairs not for a full scale paint job.
  2. Agram

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    Lets say the metal is of not the same quality then, it does not have the same smooth texture but has a rough feel to it. Painting the cars would have been a bad idea because after time the paint tends to lose its luster as the trains are washed with an acid solution. TTC really does not have...
  3. Agram

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    I loved driving those old PPC cars, they rocked once you got them going, but God help you if you did not have your long johns on in the morning because it was colder inside then out side lol......those things were an ice box until they generated some heat. Not sure if some of you noticed...
  4. Agram

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    Now look at you know some TTC Departments good for you......but in the end its still PLANT DEPATMENT. Would you like to know the Forperson who is in charge or the wage group o fthe workers or better yet how about the work car numbers. You still seem to have a hard time believing me that...
  5. Agram

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    The building was not built by us, it was done by an outside contractor. We do not have the personel nor the experience to do such a structure. Once the structure is completed the inside stuff is easily completed, the only part our workers will do is put up the rail and may be the 600 Volts...
  6. Agram

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    The rails are from the outside and they stop at the door! Yes there are lights inside I never said that there weren't any. Im saying its not done inside yet, they havent even connected the hoist yets yet, there is still a lot of work left to do. My 6 months is not concrete for God's sake relax...
  7. Agram

    Damaged T1 Cars from Apr. 2008 Accident

    Not sure if you guys know this but there is another T1 unit up in Thunder Bay, it was damaged last year at Davisville Yard. The T1 was in a collision with an H5 whose brakes released and came in contact with the T1. The whole front end of the H5 was damaged, but we got a whole new piece from the...
  8. Agram

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    Well hk I was just inside the complex today and to me it looks not done! What can I say, no power, no 600 Volt lines yet, no running rail....well its there but not welded to support offices, no washrooms, no paint, no flooring .......nooooo nothing.........since you know...
  9. Agram

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    Wilson complex will not be rady for at least another 6 months, we can not accept trains until our facilities are ready. If any work needs to be done on the roof how are we going to do it? Also none of the mechanics have been trained yet never mind the safety or standard inspection teams! T1's...
  10. Agram

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    Yesterday I made some calls and got the news on the TR, apparently it has always been the plan that the train goes back to Thunder Bay and be put back on the assembly line. This is a brand new train design so along the way things change, you perfect something by making it over and over. Its just...
  11. Agram

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    Colin I find your statement lacks credibility, where is your proof! ;)
  12. Agram

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    Hey brother what ever turns your crank, but in the end those cars are going back. Dont put too much confidence into Bombardier, when I got hired and was stationed in streetcars I heard stories how the original CLRV went dead in its forst voyage to Humber Loop, so to make it look nice in front of...
  13. Agram

    Damaged T1 Cars from Apr. 2008 Accident

    Those units were parked inside Wilson for months on 11 track, its looks even worse if you saw them in person. The blue tarp is covering it up, it is unbelievebale how much the floor bent. But thats what happens when you are clocked doing about 55 kmh head on. The driver of who was at fault was...
  14. Agram

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    Sorry if I didn't spend hours reading your thread. I know what a bloody T1 train looks like, when we got it I was the 2nd person in the Carhouse to be trained on them. Regarding the blue tarp yes it is a T1 but I wasnt counting the number of windows on it, sorry the whole train thing does not...
  15. Agram

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    How am I putting my chin up! I just came in to tell you the TR train is going back to Thunder Bay......I didnt even read the whole thread and didnt even see the picture, I just assumed it was the TR which is being preped for delivery back. Sorry dint want to step on any toes.
  16. Agram

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    Andomano I know what the new TR look like, I was in Thunder Bay last year visiting family and went over to take a look at them. The 4 cars might be the cars that were in the accident but I thaught they were still at Wilson......that accident is still under investigation but I could be wrong. I...
  17. Agram

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    Ok fair do you know those trains are for us? Bombardier does make trains for other cities. Forget about the blue tarp cars......the TR train that is in Kingston is going back, trust me or make fun all you want but its going back. PERID
  18. Agram

    1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

    No, T1 cars were designed to be coupled to other units and have doors between them. I persoanlly dont think the new TR design is good, but then who I am .....I only worked on them....what do I know
