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  1. S

    are we going to follow the US RE trending in toronto

    Europe( Eastern and Western ) and USA had seen RE prices fall. "Recesion over" declared by pocket MSM doesn't sound convincing . Wait till those who were on EI will start listing their houses . They will not have a luxury of waiting till spring like was the case last year. Once those who makes...
  2. S

    To buy now ? or wait till the fall.........

    Below is a post that was done by someone at Garth Turner blog, I don't know how much it can be trusted though, here it is( I just copied and pasted it here): My brother just rented his second house to a RE agent and his wife who sold their home a couple of months ago and now choose to rent...
  3. S

    So, um, when are condo prices supposed to drop again?

    I would recommend to look at Japan RE for the past 20 years. They did what Fed now does (artificially low interest rates)and for the past 20 years their RE went only down (so much about optimist versus pessimist). This superlow mortgages attract buyers with no money, essentially they 'RENT' RE...
  4. S

    INCENTIVES - Condo builders roll out the barrel

    Really? RE best form of investing?is that is why u came here to tell forum about that enlightment? go to LA and say it there.
  5. S

    Condo resales are on a roll

    Cheap buyers with no skin are getting cheap money to bid up prices. Many times has been said that USA housing meltdown was due to Greenspan leaving interest rates too low for too long. Canada is following in the same direction. Socialism. Unbelievable. I don't even want to read details of...
  6. S

    Low home prices lure first-time buyers

    Here is 2 article for you chaps to chew up: 1st is from financial post: To sum it up, its: "There are going to be tremendous changes in real estate... There are just not enough first-time buyers and the ones buying today, those...
  7. S

    GTA May Resale Housing Sales Higher Than Last Year

    Some of you might enjoy this quote from Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged: “Paper is a mortgage on wealth that does not exist, backed by a gun aimed at those who are expected to produce it. Paper is a check drawn by legal looters upon an account which is not theirs: upon the virtue of the...
  8. S

    Tips To Avoid Housing Bubble

    I am not in a position to explain obvious things. You need to read a lot my friend. Btw, Don't look in newspapers for clues. Try this site , there is a whole list of articles, all of them are interesting
  9. S

    Tips To Avoid Housing Bubble

    It is well known that housing buble in US was born after Greenspan kept interest rates too low for too long. The very same situation is taking place in Canada. I understand that government is trying to cure economy, BUT why not oblige banks to lend ( residential mortgages only)at prime + 2 or 3%...
  10. S

    Greater Toronto REALTORS® report 8,107 Resales in April

    Even with rock bottom interest rates (read lowest mortgages in history) sales are less then last year? lol. RE industry can show their numbers at any angle they like, but those with cash know increasing unemployment and booming RE don't get together. When prices still be going down this fall...
  11. S

    First timer: Making an offer

    Is it urgent for u to buy? If not then wait. Don't believe realtors they are interested party in this bussiness besides most of them have no idea about where market heads . Read, read, read . There is plenty info about the fact ( yes its a FACT for god sake) that RE prices are dropping. Surf...
  12. S

    Real Estate Predictions

    Once RE starts slowing down it will definitely overshoots to the downside as it did on uptick. Question u should discuss now is not if but how far it overshoots (again to the DOOOOWN SIDE), kapish? When I see that particular house I mentioned earlier at around 250K then I know I should start...
  13. S

    Real Estate Predictions

    Nice smooth talking Simulus, but a house which cost 230K in 1998 became 570K in 2006. You can talk all your crap out about statistics but there is no way wages went up as much during that period. So you still think affordability is OK? lol, you must be a bitter seller. Keep going what else ...
  14. S

    Agents, Brokers and others on the inside: Give us some facts!

    I am an electritian, and was thinking of buying propery for the past 2-3 years. what was holding me though 2 years ago was biding wars, 1 year ago situation with housing in USA, now I am holding due to the fact that if you look at history then you will easily find out if house prices start...
  15. S

    Falling home prices put some buyers 'under water'

    This summer when we camped with friends there was one guy with a family who said he bought a house in Newmarket for 320K. He wowed a lot of folks as they knew that he was a forklift driver and his wife worked in a store getting 9 bucks an hour. Well, he said, he got 20K credit line ( he didn't...
  16. S

    Toronto prices decline 15% in mid-October

    I personally agree with previous poster.I would go further cause I think that in stock trading those who has insider info are 'having' all the rest (read this as BIG eats small). In summer of 2006 I was watching CNBC and they were interviewing the guy who just sold his property for 3 mln. in USA...
  17. S

    Why the housing market is not set to melt down

    Hi fellas I am new to this forum. I am holding my money ( though wife is getting impatient) for like 2 years and have a strong believe that prices will go down. As far as I understand the strongest argument among non believers is the fact that in USA a lot of mortgages were given with 0% down...
