Developer: Metrolinx
Architect: Strasman Architects Inc.
Address: 101 Subway Crescent, Toronto
Category: Transit
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2021
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 2 storeys
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Toronto Kipling Station Transit Hub | ?m | 2s | Metrolinx | SAI

An able person can handle the 7 minute walk, but for others, it could take them 15 minutes for that trip. Have to thank Hydro One who refused to put the terminal as they wanted to protect the land for future upgrade. Then thank TTC for not building the extension to Cloverdale when it should have been built with the earliest I can see is 2050 at the current rate including the new yard.

Same goes for the Dundas LRT that Hydro One did not want under their wires.

More Mississauga riders use TTC than GO.

The only time I use that terminal if I have to use 109, Dundas, 126 and on bad weather days than walk up to Dundas to catch the 3 or take TTC 49.

The amount of saving for the deadheading of all 3 system would pay a large chunk of the cost of the extension to Cloverdale as well riders travel time. It already out dated as there is no more bus bays to add new routes to it the Mississauga 135 has to stop at Renforth that is also max out as well.
I know some Mississauga riders admittedly in their 60s but life long transit riders fully give up on the TTC because of this transfer.
