Toronto Theory Condos | 101.49m | 30s | Parallax | Arcadis

Promising? Whatever is 'promising' about this nonsense? I get that Parallax have sunk a lot into this site but that's no excuse to give up and cheap out now that you've essentially gotten the thing approved. The shifted box concept is dated, the black outlines are too heavy, the materials will be cheap and the whole thing will be poorly detailed.

Why can't Parallax just sell this site to someone with the passion and rigor to give us something excellent? And if that's too much to ask, something that's at least competent?
Wow promising come back.. really want to see street level more closer
Check out the updated database file, linked above. It's got both higher quality versions of the new rendering on the previous page, and a sidewalk view.

for reference:

Parallax Investment Corporation, the owners of a five-storey office and retail building at 203 College Street across fromt he University of Toronto's St. George Campus, have a revised plan a new condominium tower on the property. When we last checked in just over two months ago, we reported that the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) required a redesign of the building within six months before it would approve the rezoning application. Architects Page + Steele / IBI Group have now completed the redesign, and new renderings to market Theory Condos are now appearing.
Parallax paid too much and now we suffer with the context of a big fat box next to low rises.
D'Oh! Minor revision: the height is 101.5 metres to established grade. Knock it down a couple pegs @DonValleyRainbow!




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