The City of Oshawa is getting their own version of Toronto's King Street Pilot project, not through creating a streetcar priority corridor, but through changes to the space given over to parking and pedestrians, in hopes of enhancing of a major downtown street in the city on the GTA's eastern flank.

Known officially as the “King Street East Pilot Streetscape Project”, three options have been proposed for development occurring along King Street East between Ontario Street and Mary Street North. This subject area could see flexible or reduced parking, or the elimination of street parking altogether, as outlined in three design proposals to enhance public realm in Oshawa’s downtown core.

Subject area for King Street East streetscape project, image via City of Oshawa

The proposals are part of Oshawa’s Plan 20Twenty, which focuses on social, business and residential growth in the downtown area. “The King Street East Pilot Streetscape Project directly reflects goals outlined in Plan 20Twenty,” Councillor John Aker, Chair of the Development Services Committee declares in a statement. “The proposed widening of the sidewalk and each design option will increase the appeal of downtown, benefiting residents and businesses alike.”

Looking west down King Street East in Oshawa, image via City of Oshawa

Option A proposes the permanent removal of all current parking to provide space for outdoor patio and café space in front of various business properties. This would also allow opportunity for festivals or gatherings in front of Oshawa’s Regent Theatre.

Option B proposes flexible parking options by using bollards which would allow for the temporary removal of parking spaces generally in front of both the Genosha Hotel and Regent Theatre. This option would allow pedestrian use of the space for cafés, festivals, and gatherings during peak hours and maintain 12 potential parking spaces.

Option C outlines reduced parking options, seeing the permanent removal of parking spaces in front of the Genosha Hotel while maintaining six potential parking spaces in front of the Regent Theatre.

Flexible parking looking east down King Street East in Oshawa, image via City of Oshawa

Councillor Bob Chapman, Chair of Oshawa's Community Services Committee, adds to the statement about the pilot that “Plan 20Twenty is about enhancing Oshawa downtown, making it more appealing to residents, businesses and our visitors. The King Street Streetscape project is one area we would like to start but we want input from the community to make sure we get this important piece right.” Online feedback can be given at where participants can rank the proposals in order of preference and provide additional comments on each. Service Oshawa, located at City Hall (50 Centre Street S.) will also be open for the public to give feedback on paper. 

Looking west along King Street East in Oshawa, image via City of Oshawa

For discussion and further in-person feedback, a drop-in open house will also be hosted in the front lobby of La Quinta Inns & Suites (63 King St. E.) on Wednesday, April 11th between 8:00 and 9:00 AM, 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, and 5:00 to 7:30 PM. Public opinion will be received until end of day Friday, April 20, and considered in the development of the final design for the King Street East Pilot Streetscape project, to be presented to Development Services Committee and Council for approval this year. For more information, visit to sign up for news, alerts and e-newsletters.