It has been a couple months since we last checked in on the construction progress of King Plus Development's King + Condos, a new 17-storey, TACT Architecture-designed condominium development rising from the southeast corner of King and Sherbourne. When we last checked in on construction of the new development, work was under way on the tenth level of the condominium tower, and in the time since, construction has progressed up to the 16th level, with just one more residential floor to build before work gets going on the mechanical penthouse level above.

King + Condos viewed from the south on Sherbourne, image by Craig White

In the image above, we can see that precast brick panels are being installed on the south side of the tower and podium, utilizing a much lighter tone of yellow meant to complement but not compete with the heritage brick façade of the National Hotel. 

King + Condos viewed from the northwest corner of King and Sherbourne, image by Craig White

Installation of window wall cladding is now under way as well, and the first panels of glazing can now be seen on the fourth level, directly above the preserved heritage façade. A detail shot included below gives us a better view of the reflective cladding being used on the tower portion.

Cladding at King + Condos, image by Craig White

With construction now on the final floors of the residential development, a mid-2015 completion can be foreseen for the 132 condominium suites, and when residents will start to replace construction crews to add even more hustle and bustle to the quickly transforming 'Old Town of York' area of Toronto.

Upper floors of King + Condos, image by Craig White

For additional information, including building facts and renderings, please visit our dataBase file, linked below. Want to get involved in the discussion? Check out the associated forum threads, or voice your opinion in the comments section provided at the bottom of this page.