A week after we told you about our 100th addition to the burgeoning UrbanToronto dataBase, we are back to tell you about our 110th addition. Like the Ryerson Student Learning Centre on Yonge Street, our 110th entry also looks as cool as ice. No points for guessing that this ice comes in the form of two soaring, curvilinear, point towers, known formally as Ïce Condominiums at York Centre. Developed by Cadillac Fairview and Lanterra Developments, and designed by Peter Clewes of architectsAlliance, with Alessandro Munge of Munge Leung heading up the interiors, the whole package glistens with crisp, clean, Scandinavian inspiration.

Ïce Condominiums, image courtesy of Lanterra and Cadillac Fairview

Ïce not only glistens, it also wows - - - with the number and quality of the renderings - - - hence our "splash-out". Visit our dataBase listing for the project and you may view 36 images: 18 originals, along with 18 close-up detail shots… you know, the type of shots that the not-so-geeky sites ignore. Our geek-chic visual survey of the project will give you a much better feel for the landmark complex that is soon to be rising from the deep excavation at York Street and the Gardiner.

Ïce Condominiums Tower 1 Lobby, image courtesy of Lanterra and Cadillac Fairview

We are giving you a few peaks here of course, just like we did with the mystery image from last week's 100th-entry story, (Remember the shot below? That's here at Ïce.)…

Ïce Condominiums Courtyard Fountain, image courtesy of Lanterra and Cadillac Fairview

… but to get the full story, get yourself a drink, click on the database link below, and enjoy your visit to Ïce.

Ïce Condominiums Party Room Detail, image courtesy of Lanterra and Cadillac Fairview

Related Companies:  architects—Alliance, Isotherm Engineering Ltd., Jablonsky, Ast and Partners, Lanterra Developments, LiveRoof Ontario Inc, LRI Engineering Inc., Milborne Group, NAK Design Strategies, Rebar Enterprises Inc