Recent photos of Absolute World's balconies have prompted questions concerning just what it is that we see being constructed on them. While they would be unnecessary on just about any other tower, there is a simple explanation here: you are looking at thermal bulkheads in the making.

Thermal bulkheads being installed

Sergio drew us a quick sketch to explain why they are necessary. On every floor the outside walls rotate with the edge of the floorplate, so there are places where they do not line up directly above and below each other. In those places insulation must be applied to keep winter cold out. In the two diagrams you will see where insulation may need to be applied to the ceiling of an apartment where the area above is exposed, and to the underside of the balcony where the space above is heated. 

Thermal bulkhead sketch

A thermal bulkhead in a unit: 

En-Suite thermal bulkead

A thermal bulkhead being constructed on the exterior, to compensate for the rotation:

Exterior thermal bulkhead installation

Exterior thermal bulkhead installation

Exterior thermal bulkhead installation

The same as seen from below: 

And more advanced in construction:

Near completition of thermal bulkhead installation

A finished look for the bulkhead and balcony undersides is tested:

Completed thermal bulkhead

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