Toronto Pinnacle on Adelaide | 144.47m | 46s | Pinnacle | Hariri Pontarini

Pic taken August 16, 2011

Cool. Going up right next door to the Cinema tower. And the Bond will rise across the street. Three new towers in one small area!
They talking about the same building here or is this something new for the sales centre location?


OPA / Rezoning 12 107447 STE 20 OZ Ward 20
- Tor & E.York Jan 17, 2012 --- --- --- ---

Lynda Macdonald met with the applicant (Pinnacle - Mark Bales) and architect (David Pontarini) on Nov 25, 2011. The proposal is for a 39 storey tower at the south end of the site and a lower podium building at the north and a traingular shaped plaza on John Street. Comments to the applicant were that the height was not a significant issue given the context but that we needed shadow and wind studies. The tower setbacks on the east property line need to be addressed perhaps through agreement with the adjacent owner along with the distance to the centre line of Pearl Street. 363 units are proposed with 138 parking spaces. This was noted as a concern (of note is that 295 Adelaide, acorss the street has sold all of its parking which is close to by-law requirements). The applicant was having trouble fitting the TGS bicycle requirement on the site. I have directed them to Tim Laspa for advice. Lot is 84' wide. Indoor and outdoor amenity space numbers are also low. The applicant was told that we would give some consideration to the fact that there is a new publicly accessible open space on the site in terms of the outdoor space numbers. For indoor space I requested that they provide a minimum of 1.5 sq.m per unit (they are currently at about 1 sq.m per unit).
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