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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Well that presser was a little slapdash wasn't it?
The DRL is now first prority hmmm....last time we saw R Ford discussing the DRL was down the list behind both Shep aand Finch...the does the braintrust believe the Old City/East York are now going to flock to the Ford banner after constant bewailing of "Downtowners"?
The continued fallacy of 540M being available for use from Build Toronto....maybe D Ford missed the motions where the monies where allocated elsewhere...
The continued double down on provincial funding for LRTs...D Ford it is provincial money not municipal you are still 2B short of your 3B commitment for subways...
Air rights for cripes is tough enough to get development along the outer edges of B-D and Spadina now without ratepayer asociations getting up in arms about densification let alone heights...
The panacea of P3's, D Ford being a business person must recognize that what ever a private enterprise puts in they'll expect a generous return and who will be there to give to them that, the taxpayer
On what cloud is D Ford living? All anyone has to do is take a look at the original Master Agreement with Metrolinx to recognize the Eg was intended to be underground through the Old City from the onset of the agreement and that was before R Ford was even elected mayor....
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Watched the Ward 13 debate last night. Made me thankful to live in a ward with four subway stations, a lake, a river, a pond, and High Park.

As for who would be the best mayor for Scarborough ( as an example ) how would I know?

I miss the days when we only had to worry about our ward, and borough, and let the councillors figure out who was best to run the other 240 square miles. I think there was a lot less local political anxiety back then.
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What's the difference between an unpaid campaign intern and an unpaid campaign volunteer? Sounds like it's just a question of semantics.

Well for one, you wouldn't likely requires resumes for volunteers;
Specific skills would be a nice to have, not a must in order to volunteer I.e. You wouldn't decline a campaign volunteer if s/he couldn't use a computer, they'd just do something else;
You couldn't dictate the minimum hours, you take what you get ...

Those type of dictates are more associated with a job than a volunteer.
Can't find it right now, but it was in an interview a couple of days ago with WormTongue that Rob said next chemo would be Oct 5.
Air rights for cripes is tough enough to get development along the outer edges of B-D and Spadina now without ratepayer asociations getting up in arms about densification let alone heights...

I belong to the Bloor West Village Ratepayers Association. There's already too much development going on around here. Guess that makes me a NIMBY.

Save Our Village
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Can't find it right now, but it was in an interview a couple of days ago with WormTongue that Rob said next chemo would be Oct 5.
I remember reading that too. Mind you, he also said something about his next round of chemo being 5 days, which in Ford speak probably means 3 days of chemo and 2 extra days recovering in hospital like last time.
I belong to the Bloor West Village Ratepayers Association. There's already too much development going on around here. Guess that makes me a NIMBY.

and tomorrow night the mayoralty circus comes to the 'hood, 7:00pm at Runnymede United. I don't think I can go for the whole thing but I'll be sure to at least walk by for some of it.
Greg Banks:

“But to be fair, the downtown people have enough subways already,” the mayor continued. “I think it’s only time to treat everyone equally, and Scarborough, North York, Etobicoke — everyone deserves subways here.” - Ford, 2013

Wouldn't trust him to build a sewer, much less a subway.


I'd be even more frightened if Rob was running a sewer project. I like not having to worry about cholera.
Can't find it right now, but it was in an interview a couple of days ago with WormTongue that Rob said next chemo would be Oct 5.

18 day dry out period between chemo sessions, Worms not fact checking again.
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