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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Word of a ward 2 Forum poll this evening. Looks like Andray's guesting (and significant opportunity to talk about ward 2 problems) on Mark Towhey and 1010 has hit a nerve.
Word of a ward 2 Forum poll this evening. Looks like Andray's guesting (and significant opportunity to talk about ward 2 problems) on Mark Towhey and 1010 has hit a nerve.

Considering he has talked to several outlets and Mikey stays silent, I am not surprised.
Anyone think Ford has anything on Harper? Pure useless Sunday night speculation but that is something I'd put in the movie fer sure.
Rob Ford will end up prematurely dead from substance abuse related issues, whether he wins or loses. I'm not even sure an arrest saves him at this point.
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glad the guy behind them did what he did, and in frame...



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I actually teared up a little bit watching that. Can we get more of that kind of courage instead of morally nihilistic bullshit like Deadmau5 taking Ford out for coffee?
Toronto has over-invested in subways at tremendous cost: Editorial
A Pembina Institute study shows Toronto has over-invested in subways at tremendous cost while Vancouver, Calgary and Ottawa created more transit for less money.

In a ruinous flip-flop, underlining this city’s infatuation with subways, city council killed a seven-stop Scarborough light-rail route and replaced it with a three-stop underground line. In doing so, it delayed construction for years and raised the cost of this route to $468 million per kilometre, up from $194 million for the original LRT.

“Toronto is stuck in its tracks,†warned Cherise Burda, Pembina’s Ontario director. “It’s busy debating transit technology. The other cities debate transit technology, but it doesn’t stop them from actually building.â€

Furthermore, when they do invest, it isn’t in expensive subways but in light rail and other rapid transit options. As a result, “they’ve been able to build more transit, more quickly,†Burda said.

All this is utterly lost on incumbent Rob Ford, running to return as mayor. His dismal transit plan, released this past week, calls for putting even more subways in areas where other rapid transit would make more sense. “You bore, bore, bore until the cows come home,†is his succinct agenda.
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