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Pan Am Path?


Senior Member
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Jun 28, 2011
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What is it exactly? Is it permanent? Or just a renaming or other paths while The Games are here?

I was out of my usual ride up the Don bike path and I noticed this curious new red line along the path in sections, not everywhere mind you like the blue/green line of the Martin Goodman trail but in sections, and I was trying to figure it out. Then I saw markers that said Pan Am Path.

Has the Don Trail been renamed the Pan Am Path? Or does the name 'sit on top of' the Don Bike Path the way the 401 is called 'The Highway of Heros'

Is it temporary or permanent?

Someone please explain. I visited The City website talking about it, but it's still confusing to me.

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Yes, it's all a bit of a mystery. Frankly, I think they should have spent the $$ to resurface some very bad parts of it (orange spray paint is not enough!)
If I recall correctly:

Pan am path is temporary. No new infrastructure was built for the path. It just joins together various paths scattered around the city.
Actually, if you go on Eglinton west of the 427, they were recently resurfacing the bike path heading over to Renforth. Not sure if or when it was completed, but it was under construction in the spring.
What about those on-road connections? Can they be improved to be made into an actual non-stopping trail?

In at least two of those cases, the on-road connection between the off-road trails is "temporary" until the City builds a new trail to make that connection. As usual, and much like the reconstruction of the lower Don Trail, funding is the issue here.

I don't recall if they've put signage on the on-street sections denoting the Pan-Am Path - I can't recall of any through the East York section - but they have installed sharrows on the roads to be used.

Toronto, Ont.
Do we need another cycling thread?
No offense, but chill ;) Not every topic that mentions the word cycling needs to go into "Cycling: Is Toronto Bike Friendly?" When interest in this thread dies out, it will just quietly move to page 2, and then page 3, etc. UrbanToronto is not paying server space by the thread.
All they did was paint lines on the paths' entrances, that's all. After the games, they'll just let the paint weather away.
The whole Pan Am Path thing is actually pretty hilarious. For the money they spent on spray painting entrances to the trail and on very expensive and hard to find public art along the trail, they could have repaved the heavily used Don trail. The portion just north of the Athlete's Village is in terrible shape and after a rain stays flooded for days.

Some of the trail is barely contiguous. Right now, if you want to ride from say the venue at the Ex to the athletes village, you only get to do part of it along the beautiful QQ trail. Shortly after Sherbourne you're ambiguously forced onto the street due to construction. There's then an incredibly awkward and barely signed transition from the south to the north side at Cherry street where you have to cross part where Lakeshore turns onto Cherry without a stoplight riding over tiny pedestrian traffic islands. Shortly after that there's another detour which originally had a sign that said construction would be finished in 2014 or something like that they've now updated to 2016 or 2017. Anyway, done ranting.

If you want to read a professional rant, try this one:
I don't think simply asking a question (a while ago now) deserves such rudeness!
I assure you no rudeness was intended and apologies if it was perceived so. I wanted it to be more light-hearted. I do find it a bit frustrating, though, that there is such a desire to mash every cycling topic into one thread. Cycling is very much a part of transportation and infrastructure, and it should probably be allowed to spread a bit beyond one oddly named thread.
