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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Know your lingo if you want to talk about these things - it's sexual orientation, not "preference". And can we not drag out this bigot thing over and over again, it's getting rather stale.
Valid criticism - post fixed.

As far as dragging it out ... if others are going to defend Ford, by pointing out how bad Miller's character was (which seems bizarre to me, given how much better a human being he was ... what next, are we going to point out how much worse Layton was to Ford? How much worse Mother Theresa was than Amin?) ... surely a fully detailed description and discussion of Ford's character failings is the only way the discussion is going to go. It's the elephant in the room ... and you can't ignore bigotry - to do so would only endorse it.

I agree though, it should however stay out of other topics where it is really off-topic.
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Hazel sets Rob Ford straight:

“I hope our citizens know that council rules supreme. The mayor has no authority above council†-- Hazel McCallion

‎"One (Toronto) councillor made the comment that the staff must do what the mayor says ... that’s not the way it’s done here. We do not tell the staff what to bring forward in a report,†-- Hazel McCallion

Article link
Miller was an ass. A elitist snob who laughed when told things like businesses were hurt by his policies. Good riddance. He couldn't even run a FOOD CART program properly due to his annoying micro-management.

Actually, Miller moved rapidly to the mushy, Liberal centre during his first term ... and never left it. He quite publicly didn't renew his NDP membership, but by that time progressive voters were already turned off by him. It was under Miller, don't forget, that residential property tax payers saw their taxes begin to be increased so that unproductive and uncompetitive businesses could see their property taxes reduced.
Just as many of us predicted during the 2010 campaign, Council is set to take City Hall back from the Mayor. They're very close to getting a coalition of 30 councillors who would safeguard the running of the City from the Mayor. Some councillors are calling him destructive and dangerous. With a 2/3rds majority, Ford's committees would become irrelevant because those 2/3rds are the requirement to bring a matter out of committee and on to Council floor.

The first matter is to secure the TTC to prevent Ford from losing the Province's $8.4B for transit. Given the Drummond Report, the Province would like nothing more than to just build the underground portion of Eglinton until the city can get its act together. Withdrawn would be funding for Sheppard, Finch and Eglinton East. I think we're very close to that point.

Ironically, Webster's firing has awoken City Council and brought left, centre and right together. We're about to have the city run without a Mayor for the next 2.5 years.
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Councillor Maria Augimeri urged the five transit commissioners who called Tuesday’s meeting to change their minds and keep Webster in the top job.

“What message are you sending to the rest of our employees, that professionalism gets kicked out the door and toadyism wins? … This man is a consummate professional. You can rely on him to give you the truth. You can rely on him not to hide reports,” she said, in a pointed reference to a report revealed by the Star last week that Ford hid from the public because it didn’t support his plan to extend the Sheppard subway.

“Today is a clear demonstration of an abuse of power,” said an emotional Augimeri

So when the facts don't back your "subway plan"...hide it. And when Webster won't lie for him.

“The general public — and subway, streetcar and bus passengers — all tell me it’s time for a change,” said Ford.

Translation....not a single one of "all" those people said I should fire Webster, but I love to use those convenient imaginary people to justify my megalomanic brain farts.

Behind closed doors, the commissioners who engineered Webster’s firing had planned to immediately name Byford to the top job but were surprised to learn that it wasn’t possible under the conditions of his work visa.


I wonder how much of a Ford lackey this Byford will be. Has he already been given the script? Byford??? "By Ford"...are you kidding me!!

All this desperation to stick with his subway plan.

TTC chair Karen Stintz also expressed frustration with the mayor Wednesday.

“There’s this notion that there’s a ‘subway plan.’ Rob Ford keeps talking about a subway plan, and there’s no subway plan. As soon as Rob Ford can tell us where he’s going to get $4 billion for a subway, then we can discuss a subway,” she said. “Until that point, we cannot. It’s frustrating that he’s talking about subways on Eglinton and subways on Sheppard, when we actually have no plan.”

Oh wait...according to his own TTC Chair...THERE IS NO SUBWAY PLAN!!!
.I wonder how much of a Ford lackey this Byford will be.
I doubt it. He's just seen a career professional at the TTC get tossed. He's got a long resume of success and has yet to settle into Toronto. He might very well be shopping his options right now.

I have to say, this is the most exciting city politics I can remember. You've got a mayor that wants to rule a consensus-run council by proclamation. How did he ever think that was going to work.

He's such a fat f#ck. Why didn't he wait to fire Webster AFTER March 5th when he had secured his control of the TTC board? Idiot. If you're going to play the bruiser you've got to know when to hold your punches and see the opportunities down the pipe.

I just can't wait to hear the rubbles from all sides of council. I'm just giddy with excitement.
Why didn't he wait to fire Webster AFTER March 5th when he had secured his control of the TTC board?

He's not that clever. You know when your dog does something bad and gets chastised then goes and shits on the floor in protest? This is Rob Ford shitting on the floor.
He's just seen a career professional at the TTC get tossed. He's got a long resume of success and has yet to settle into Toronto. He might very well be shopping his options right now.

Given what has just transpired, I have a hard time imagining any self-respecting professional would apply for this position. Who wants this crap?

I have to say, this is the most exciting city politics I can remember.

True, but honestly, I could do with the much more boring "getting things accomplished for the good of the city".

As they say, "May you live in interesting times" is a curse.
Given what has just transpired, I have a hard time imagining any self-respecting professional would apply for this position. Who wants this crap?
I'd bet quite a few people. If we were in their shoes, we might not be among them, but we don't represent everyone. And who said the professional needs to be self-respecting anyway? ;)

My boss has a saying, and that's "Anyone can be replaced". As much as I hate to admit it, unfortunately he's absolutely right on that one.
My boss has a saying, and that's "Anyone can be replaced". As much as I hate to admit it, unfortunately he's absolutely right on that one.

Going beyond the sage observations of your boss, this type of political firing and replacement suggests that Ford aims at a public service that answers to him alone, and not to the purpose of their positions - which is to serve the public. Ford wants a yes-man for his ends - no matter how nebulous or ill-defined they are. As someone mentioned earlier, the biggest problem with Ford's subway plan is that there is no plan.

Frankly, I hope the province takes back the cash. I'd much prefer that than to see billions wasted on half-assed political projects of a mayor who lies, and is too stupid to understand when he is lying.
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