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News   Mar 17, 2025
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U of T: Rotman Expansion/Ctr for Jurisdictional Advantage and Prosperity (KPMB)



This will be the first major building on the St. George campus in over 5 years. Is this going in the parking lot to the south of the Rotman Buýlding?

Ontario kicks in funding for business think tank

Since he became University of Toronto business dean eight years ago, Roger Martin has been vexed by Ontario's fragile standing in the global economy. Now he has $60-million from the provincial government for building a world-class think tank to study how countries or regions can seize competitive advantage.

Mr. Martin said the Ontario economy will be a prime beneficiary of the Centre for Jurisdictional Advantage and Prosperity, housed in a new, $120-million building to be erected beside the existing Rotman School of Management.

The building, which will also accommodate a 50-per-cent expansion in graduate programs, will double Rotman's footprint on the U of T central campus.

"Where the centre is located matters because Canada will get the benefits first," Mr. Martin said yesterday. But he added that the only way for the centre to be globally relevant is to be academically open to international thinking.

Mr. Martin's 10-year plan is to establish a research body for studying comparative advantage that is just as important in its field as the U.S. National Bureau of Economic Research, in Cambridge, Mass., is to the study of economics.

"It seeks to answer the question of what a jurisdiction has to do to attract, retain and grow fantastic companies that succeed in the world," said Mr. Martin, a former senior management consultant with Monitor Group, also of Cambridge, Mass.

He sees the centre housing a permanent team of scholars and a rotating roster of visiting fellows, plus a network of international affiliates.

After working on the project for almost seven years, Mr. Martin got the go-ahead this week for a new building when the Ontario budget announced $50-million in aid, to be added to $10-million in previous public funding and an expected matching sum from private donors.

More than half of the $60-million in private funding has been raised already in a campaign led by Geoff Beattie, president of Woodbridge Co. Ltd. ( a major shareholder of The Globe and Mail); financier Joseph Rotman; and philanthropist Marcel Desautels. The latter two are already large benefactors of the school.

The new centre will be built beside the current Rotman building.
Re: Centre for Jurisdictional Advantage and Prosperity (UofT

"Since he became University of Toronto business dean eight years ago, Roger Martin has been vexed by Ontario's fragile standing in the global economy. Now he has $60-million from the provincial government for building a world-class think tank to study how countries or regions can seize competitive advantage."

Think tanks don't equate to action but I think the idea is bang on. Anyone who cares about this city or province should be deeply concerned with our future competitiveness. I have this impression that both our government and business leadership is in stewardship mode, lost and rudderless.
Re: Centre for Jurisdictional Advantage and Prosperity (UofT

Well, I guess this means CIUT's gonna be relocated...
Re: Centre for Jurisdictional Advantage and Prosperity (UofT

Classics Dept. will be moving to, to the Lillian Massey building apparently...bye bye Club Monaco.
Lillian Massey Building

à thought that the new UofT Art Centre was going there?
Re: Lillian Massey Building

This will be the first major building on the St. George campus in over 5 years.

First major building in 5 years? What about the Bahen Centre? What about the new Pharmacy Building? What about the Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research? I'd hardly say another Rotman addition is more major than any of those three new buildings.

As for anything kicking Club Monaco out: sounds good to me!
Re: Lillian Massey Building

There's tons of space in the Lillian Massey building -- something like 30,000 sq. ft. over 4 floors -- without Club Monaco having to go anywhere.

Too bad about losing the building that Classics is in right now.
Re: Lillian Massey Building

The name of this new institution sounds positively Maoist! I mean who made that name up? Sounds like a committee.

What will happend to the heritage house that CUIT is in? That will be a great loss to the campus if they tear it down.
Re: Lillian Massey Building

Roger Martin is vexed. We're not doing as well as we should. So he's saving Ontario by creating jobs for the boys ... with oodles of public money.
Re: Lillian Massey Building

yeah the name is awful. And if you were to make an acronym for it, it'd be CJAP. Very politically correct. Anyway, I just think it'd be interesting to see a new building rise on St. George St. Odd though, because Rotman JUST had an addition.
Re: Lillian Massey Building

re: CIUT and Classics "haus" - the project doesn't necessarily require either (or both) to be demolished. Bahen Centre is a good example of what could happen potentially (with the old Varsity paper house).

Re: Centre for Jurisdictional Advantage and Prosperity (UofT

The old houses at 91 and 97 St. George won't be going anywhere, although "selective demolition" to the tune of $500,000 is proposed in the CJAC budget.

edit - oh, and this is more like the 6th or so major new building project in the past 5 years on campus.
Re: Lillian Massey Building

Indeed, the report *does* mention allowance for the Bahen-esque preservation and integration of the 91 + 97 St. George facades. (Of course, a hardcore preservationist might prefer total retention, a la the houses fronting Woodsworth college to the north.)

Though it isn't like either house is a "masterpiece" like the Newman Centre to the S; in BB's terms, they're more like "Facade District" material. (And in the case of CIUT, it might just as well be more of a cultural argument for total retention, as a time capsule of latter-third-of-the-c20 filthy longhaired joint-smoking college-campus squatting ruffian-ness...)
