This Myseum really doesn't meet one of the key goals of providing a physical space where visitors and locals alike can interact and physically go to learn about the City. It is an idea in serious danger of being outdated before it fully develops. What happens to a fledgling virtual museum site when internet use is changing so drastically? How many people use their cell phone to get information, email, etc. that they used to use a laptop for? Over the last few years, laptops and computers have been used a lot less than mobile devices (primarily cell phones) for the internet. There is a major shift occurring in the way people use the internet and the types of information people want online will look very different in just 3-5 years. It is pretty hard to see and read a museum exhibit on a 2 inch screen and I can't imagine much interest in doing that for this type of information/ virtual venue. There is a big lack of foresight on this idea vis-a-vis the technology. This needs a physical space, even if it's only a micro-museum with a lot of interactive computer displays. Pop ups are not a bad idea but it will be difficult to gain a following in this day and age without a constant physical presence that can be woven into the consciousness of the people. It also doesn't answer the question of where artifacts will be displayed, preserved and stored which was another goal. JMHO.