Following the launch of our new UT Pro Instant Report series last week, we are back with a second look this at our exciting data source. As we continue to expand the scope of our data services, we are highlighting one of UrbanToronto's Instant Reports most comprehensive features: creating a Location Report.
A Location Report allows you to identify a specific area from which to generate your data set. Using any address in the City as a starting point, the report draws a circle around that point with a radius of 800m, and instantly pools all of the data on every project found within that area. But we don’t just want to tell you what it does, we want to show you.
To demonstrate how the Location Report can become a trusted resource to help you keep up with the trends of development in the GTA, we created one using a random address in Midtown Toronto, 45 Eglinton Avenue East. Here is what we found.
Study area, surrounding 45 Eglinton East, shows 85 projects, graphic from UT Pro Instant Report
Our Location Report came up with an extensive list of developments, with a total of 85 projects listed as either recently completed, under construction, or in the pre-construction process. Removing the completed projects from our list, we are able to identify 57 projects that foreshadow what the future holds for the high-density neighbourhood; spoiler alert — the trends point towards a bigger and taller built form with a focus on residential development!
Before we get into the details of the data set, we want to highlight a few projects within the group, including Untitled Toronto, a 2-tower residential development working through construction on Broadway Avenue. The design was developed in consultation with the multidisciplinary artist Pharrell Williams, and currently stands about 10 storeys above grade as construction continues.
View of complete design of Untitled Toronto, currently under construction, image from submission to City of Toronto
A proposed development that is representative of things to come for Midtown is 110 Eglinton East, an infill development from Madison Group featuring two towers of 57 and 59 storeys. The developer has applied to redevelop a pair of properties, each occupied by a mid-rise commercial building, which Madison Group are arguing is under-utilized programming of the site. Needless to say, the demand for developable land in the area is immense, and it isn’t slowing down.
Early rendering of proposed design for 110 Eglinton East, image from submission to City of Toronto
Meanwhile, The Parker, a project completed last year, shows us a sample of what is current in Midtown. The stylish high-end rental tower from Fitzrovia was voted as our readers' favourite among 2022’s class of 30-39 storey towers in UrbanToronto’s Year-End Readers' Poll, and represents the latest addition to a luxury rental market in one of the City’s affluent neighbourhoods.
The completed 39-storey rental tower, the Parker, image by UT Forum contributor andresmmax
Breaking down some of the key findings from our data set, generated instantly with our Location Report, we can see that residential development is dominating the area, continuing the downward trend of commercial development that the area has seen since the pandemic.
Of the 1,933,540m² of gross floor area (GFA) encompassed in the 85 projects, just under 8.5% of that space represents commercial GFA. If we remove the completed projects from the data set and look only at the projects under construction or proposed, that margin shrinks further still, to 7.9%. How Midtown balances this spike in residential density will likely be the main focus for the next wave of development, as opportunities for non-residential programming grow more sparse.
GFA Distribution within the custom area shows spike in residential development, graphic by Ash Navabi
To access the full data set, with stats like the maximum and average heights of projects, the unit distribution, or the full project list, you can purchase your instant report here! You can also create your own Location Report using any address in the City. Stay tuned for next week’s instalment to learn more about why the UrbanToronto's Instant Report is one of the most valuable tools for staying informed on development in the GTA.
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As UrbanToronto continues to refine its role in the GTA development industry, our data services have evolved to become one of our defining elements and we want to share those capabilities with our community. The UrbanToronto Pro Instant Reports is just one of the ways our data can be applied to provide quick and convenient insights on the development trends of any area in the GTA. Using this advanced data resource, we are launching a new weekly series to highlight what the UT Pro Instant Reports provide and investigate the latest development trends by ward, by address, or by MLS zone.