Planners Goldberg Group have recently resubmitted Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA) and Site Plan Approval (SPA) applications on behalf of Developers Menkes Brownlow Inc. for three residential towers rising to 35, 40 and 45 storeys in height atop two 6-storey podiums designed by Turner Fleischer Architects at a site municipally known as 55 through 75 Brownlow Avenue in Toronto's Midtown.

Looking east to 61 Brownlow Avenue, image from submission to the City of Toronto

An original submission from August, 2021 occupied 61 through 75 Brownlow Avenue and facilitated the site's redevelopment with a single 35-storey residential tower containing 384 residential units. Since then, the application lands have expanded to include 55 Brownlow Avenue, a plot to the immediate south currently occupied by a 15-storey building containing 121 rental units. Menkes Brownlow Inc. seeks to provide full rental replacement while delivering an additional 1,041 residential units, an increase of 778 units from the previous application.

Looking northeast to the existing residential building at 5 Brownlow Avenue, image from submission to the City of Toronto

Located on the east side of Brownlow Avenue, 70m south of Eglinton Avenue East and 50m West of Mount Pleasant Road, the now 5,752m² rectangular plot is part of the Mount Pleasant West neighbourhood, sited within the Yonge-Eglinton Centre of the Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan. As such, it is considered an Urban Growth Centre within the Growth Plan, an area designated for significant development and population growth over the coming years.

Site location at 61 Brownlow Avenue, image from submission to the City of Toronto

Brownlow Avenue's adjacency to two major arterial roads, Eglinton Avenue East and Mount Pleasant Road, running east-west and north-south, respectively, means the site is well served by existing TTC bus routes with stops no greater than 800m away. Yonge Line 1  is also accessible via Eglinton station 750m to the west and served by the aforementioned bus routes. The site is also strategically positioned 100m from the soon-to-open Mount Pleasant station on Eglinton Line 5, further increasing accessibility to the site.

By detaching the two podiums on the expanded site and offsetting them 20m from one another, Turner Fleischer Architects are proposing a new public park measuring 426m² in size fronting Brownlow Avenue. The 6-storey podium of Tower A is also setback 9m from the northern property line allowing for a midblock connection and access to three levels of underground parking with 217 vehicle parking spaces and 1,285 bicycle parking spaces. This setback increases to 10m along the eastern perimeter for both podiums to introduce a 22.5m separation distance from an approved 35-storey mixed-use building at 744-758 Mount Pleasant Road that, according to the proponents, meets the intent of the City's Tall Building Guidelines.

Looking southeast to 61 Brownlow Avenue, image from submission to the City of Toronto

A striking utilitarian red brickwork façade delineates the first three storeys of the two 6-storey detached podiums abutting the western property line fronting Brownlow Avenue. This abruptly transitions into white brickwork for the remaining three podium levels and subsequent three towers above. Bronze-finished architectural fenestrations harmoniously tie all levels together and are defined by chamfered brickwork columns.

The three distinctive towers gradually cascade in height from 151m at the northern perimeter to 121m at the southern perimeter and collectively provide 88,538m² of Residential Gross Floor Area, representing a Floor Space Index of 15.02. These will provide 1,162 residential units, inclusive of the 121 rental replacement units, comprising 870 one-bedrooms (75%), 175 two-bedrooms, (15%) and 117 three-bedrooms (10%), along with total combined indoor and outdoor amenity spaces of 3,272m² located on the ground and 7th floors.

UrbanToronto will continue to follow progress on this development, but in the meantime, you can learn more about it from our Database file, linked below. If you'd like, you can join in on the conversation in the associated Project Forum thread or leave a comment in the space provided on this page.

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Related Companies:  EQ Building Performance Inc., Goldberg Group, Grounded Engineering Inc., LEA Consulting, Menkes Developments, o2 Planning and Design, Turner Fleischer Architects