This is an UrbanToronto industry update sharing information and status updates from around the industry as a means to keep our readers in the loop. We are covering updates related to relevant news and events, as well as any changes that are being made that impact the real estate and building industries in Toronto. 

In today's report: Toronto City Manager Chris Murray stepping down; City of Toronto building new long-term care home in Scarborough; Metrolinx and Luminato Festival team up to bring live performances to GO Trains this month; and more news.

City Skyline from Lake Ontario, image by UT Forum contributor ShonTron

Government notices and announcements:

City of Brampton receives support through My Main Street Community Activator Program to Activate Downtown Brampton

City of Brampton continues to invest in stronger future for health care in Brampton with $2.5 million for Sheridan’s new Centre for Healthy Communities

City of Toronto building new long-term care home in Scarborough

Toronto City Manager Chris Murray stepping down

Residents invited to provide feedback on new community centre and library coming to north Oakville

Public meeting on June 27, 2022 for site plan applications at 560, 570, 580, 700 and 750 Winston Churchill Boulevard for 11087258 Canada Inc. and 772 Winston Churchill Ltd Partnership

Private sector/other notices and announcements:

BILD: Watch the BILD Awards online on June 22

RE/MAX: Toronto Real Estate Speculators Causing a GTA Market Bubble?

Metrolinx: A show on the GO – Metrolinx and Luminato Festival team up to bring live performances to GO Trains this month


Everyone from construction workers to brokers to real estate executives are encouraged to share news with us to be featured in our weekly updates. If you have some industry-related news to share, let us know by contacting us here.