With the new Crosstown LRT under construction along Eglinton Avenue, projects are being proposed all along the 19 km transit corridor. One in the Fairbank area of Toronto is a mid-rise at 2116 Eglinton Avenue West from developers Old Stonehenge Development Corporation. Pending the success of a Site Plan Approval application, this 9-storey building with 104 residential units would be built halfway between the Fairbank and Caledonia stations of the new transit line.

Currently onsite at 2116 Eglinton Ave West, TorontoCurrently onsite at 2116 Eglinton Ave West, image retrieved from Google Street View

The 30.5 m tall building, designed by architects Studio JCI, is proposed on the northeast corner of Eglinton at Little Boulevard, currently used as a surface parking lot. The site has an area of 1,487 , with 45.0 m of frontage on Eglinton Avenue West and 25.8 m of frontage on Little Boulevard.

Looking northeast to 2116 Eglinton Ave West, Toronto, designed by Studio JCI for Old StonehengeLooking northeast to 2116 Eglinton Ave West, designed by Studio JCI for Old Stonehenge

The proposal would see a total gross floor area of 7,987 , with all of this being residential use, although 10 units on the ground floor facing Eglinton Avenue are all designed at Live/Work spaces, so there will be some semi-commercial space. Additionally, there will be 82.50 of landscaped open space.

Looking northeast to 2116 Eglinton Ave West, Toronto, designed by Studio JCI for Old StonehengeLooking northeast to 2116 Eglinton Ave West, designed by Studio JCI for Old Stonehenge

The total of 104 total units would include 7 studios, 65 one-bedrooms, 24 two-bedrooms, and 8 three-bedrooms. Of the 10 live-work units, 8 are one-bedrooms and 2 are two-bedrooms. A total of 26 parking spots are proposed, 23 of them below grade on a single underground level while 3 are open surface parking spaces, 2 of which are for car share parking. Access to the loading and parking is accessible from the existing laneway at the rear, which will be widened as part of the development process. There are 104 bicycle parking spaces proposed for residents.

Looking northwest to 2116 Eglinton Ave West, Toronto, designed by Studio JCI for Old StonehengeLooking northwest to 2116 Eglinton Ave West, designed by Studio JCI for Old Stonehenge

Additional information and images can be found in our Database file for the project, linked below. Want to get involved in the discussion? Check out the associated Forum thread or leave a comment in the space provided on this page.

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