An application to the City of Toronto for a 13-storey residential condominium at 276-290 Merton Street has been revised. The resubmission includes an increase in total units and a number of subtle design changes after consultations with the City’s Planning and Urban Design Staff since our last coverage of the development in 2019. 

Aerial view of 276-290 Merton Street site, image retrieved from Google Earth (coloured by author)Aerial view of 276-290 Merton Street site, image retrieved from Google Earth (coloured by author)

The proposed development by Rockport Group would rise some 62 metres over 13 storeys, with a gross floor area of approximately 7,600 . A total of 71 units make up the Wallman Architects-designed building, an increase of 20 units from the previous submission. Of these, 18 are one bedrooms, 5 are one bedroom + dens, 25 are two bedrooms, 11 are two bedroom + dens, and 12 are three bedroom units, making over 67% of the units in the building family-sized.

Northeast facing view of proposed development, image via submission to City of TorontoNortheast facing view of proposed development, image via submission to City of Toronto

The building’s frontage along Merton Street is composed of three related but varied expressions. The podium rises up to the fourth storey and features a lattice-like brick veneer within which units are inset and their balconies extend outwards to form the horizontal elements of the podium’s masonry. Recessed balcony guards feature a snaking geometric brick-like pattern.

View of Merton Street frontage, image via submission to City of TorontoView of Merton Street frontage, image via submission to City of Toronto

Storeys five, six, and seven are set back from the podium floors and feature mostly symmetrical units and balconies, while side elevations consist predominantly of metal panels. 

The remaining storeys from the eighth to the thirteenth are composed of a series of shifted step-backs that stack up in a pyramidal fashion. The eighth floor step-back has been increased since the 2019 submission to address concerns over privacy on adjacent properties, while unit balconies along each of the developments side lot lines have been amended to include higher guard rails and additional planters.

Northwest facing view of proposed development, image via submission to City of TorontoNorthwest facing view of proposed development, image via submission to City of Toronto

This top third of the development is predominantly composed of vision and spandrel glass as well as intermittent metal panelling. Responding to the City’s recommendations, the inclusion of dark metal banding has been removed in the updated designs to make the all-glass expression of this portion of the building quieter. 

Rendering of building rear, facing south-east, image via submission to City of TorontoLooking southeast to the building rear, image via submission to City of Toronto

Some 244 of outdoor amenity space is being proposed across the site, with a full landscape plan being prepared by Janet Rosenberg & Studio. To reflect a number of the City’s recommendations regarding street furniture and other soft and hard landscaping elements of the development, the proponents have proposed a raised garden fronting Merton Street and a flexible, open lawn surrounded by planting and seating in the rear amenity space. 

Birds eye view of rear garden space, image via submission to City of TorontoBirds eye view of rear garden space, image via submission to City of Toronto

A total of 91 vehicular parking spaces and 71 bicycle parking spaces (long and short term) are provided in the proposed development’s three underground levels, accessible from Merton Street. 

You can learn more from our Database file for the project, linked below. If you'd like to, you can join in on the conversation in the associated Project Forum thread, or leave a comment in the space provided on this page.

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Related Companies:  Bousfields, Janet Rosenberg & Studio, Lindvest Properties