Following a 2016 proposal to demolish a low-rise office building at 504 Wellington West (formerly the home of Arlene Dickinson's Venture Communications, famous from CBC's Dragons Den) in favour of a 15-storey replacement office tower, LPAT proceedings began in 2018, due to Council’s failure to respond to the application in time. A number of pre-hearing conferences have now led to a settlement between the developer and the City, through which the nature of the building proposed by Uxland Development has been altered.

504 Wellington West, Toronto, designed by RAW for Uxland DevelopmentAerial view looking north-west to 504 Wellington West, image via submission to the City of Toronto

The project has now been approved as a 13-storey, 34-unit luxury condo building, not unlike a number of the other properties that line this stretch of Wellington. The RAW-designed massing has changed in this version, with the lower levels characterized by inset balconies and the set-back upper levels featuring wrap around balconies.

Looking north-west to 504 Wellington West, image via submission to the City of TLooking north-west to 504 Wellington West, image via submission to the City of Toronto

The typical floor plate houses 2 to 4 units, ranging from 650 ft² to 3,600 ft² in area for the penthouse levels. 31 vehicular parking spaces are proposed be housed underground. 

Looking north-west to 504 Wellington West, image via submission to the City of TLooking north-east to 504 Wellington West, image via submission to the City of Toronto

Approval, however, is also contingent upon the basis that the redevelopment of that property "must… include a minimum of 1,591.5 m² of office floor area replacing the office floor area that will be removed”. In this case, it’s safe to say that updated plans following the settlement will include an office component with 1:1 replacement.

Additional information and images can be found in our database file for the project, linked below. Want to get involved in the discussion? Check out the associated Forum thread, or leave a comment in the field provided at the bottom of this page.

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