With tunnelling complete and station construction underway for the initial 19 kilometres of the Eglinton Crosstown LRT, the City of Toronto is engaging with design professionals and the public to help plan the future east leg of the new transit line. Today and again next week, a pair of full-day working sessions are bringing together creative ideas on the future Eglinton East LRT’s public realm design, and how it will factor into local economic development and neighbourhood prosperity.

Eglinton East LRT, Metrolinx, TTC, TorontoEglinton East LRT map, image courtesy of TTC/Metrolinx

During the two sessions, the public will have the chance to share comments and concerns with the project's urban design team from Urban Strategies to help shape the future line. The first of these two events is happening today at the Centre for Connected Communities, located at 4218 Lawrence Avenue East. This session focuses on the area of Kingston Road-between Galloway/Lawrence and Morningside, and is available all day, with a community drop-in session to take place from 6-8:30 PM.

A second event will follow on September 18th, this one hosted in the Scarborough Village Community Centre at 3600 Kingston Road, highlighting the area of Eglinton Avenue between Markham Road and Kingston Road. The event is open all day, though the most interesting parts are expected to happen between noon and 2 PM, when community members will have the chance to share feedback. This event will also feature a community drop-in session running from 6-8:30 PM, featuring an exhibition of the day's work, and a public walking tour of the area.

You can learn more about planned and future events for the Eglinton East LRT by visiting the project's "Get Involved" page. In the meanwhile, let us know what you think using the comments section provided below.